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The soft glow of dawn crept through the curtains of Jungkook's hotel room as he reached for his phone on the nightstand. His heart raced with anticipation as he composed a simple message to Y/N, his fingers moving swiftly over the screen.

*Good morning, Y/N. Would you like to meet at the cafe again today? I'd love to meet up.*

He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he sounded too eager. But then he reminded himself that honesty had always served him well. With a deep breath, he pressed send and hoped for a positive response.

Meanwhile, Y/N's phone chimed softly, rousing her from her slumber. She blinked away sleep, her heart skipping a beat when she saw Jungkook's name on the screen. She read his message, a smile tugging at her lips. His sincerity shone through even in a simple morning greeting.

*Good morning, Jungkook. I'd love to meet at the cafe again. Same time as yesterday? 😊*

Her response was swift, her excitement mirrored in her words. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat as he read her message, his lips curving into a genuine smile.

*Sounds perfect! See you there at 10. ☕️*

With plans in place, Jungkook felt a rush of nervous energy. He quickly got ready, his mind abuzz with thoughts of the day ahead. The possibility of spending more time with Y/N filled him with a mix of excitement and trepidation. He knew this was a chance to get to know her better, to bridge the gap between their worlds.

As the morning sun rose higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over the city, Jungkook made his way to the cafe. He arrived a little early, his eyes scanning the surroundings in search of Y/N. When he spotted her, sitting at their familiar corner table, a sense of calm washed over him.

Their eyes met as he approached, and a genuine smile lit up Y/N's face. Jungkook felt a flutter in his chest, a feeling he couldn't quite put into words. As Y/N and Jungkook settled into their conversation at the cafe, Jungkook found himself captivated by every word she spoke. Her voice was like music, her laughter a melody that resonated in his heart. 

He admired the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her passions, and the subtle gestures of her hands as she emphasized a point. To him, she was more than just a girl he'd met; she was a constellation of beautiful moments and endearing qualities.

With each passing moment, Jungkook's feelings for Y/N deepened, becoming something he couldn't ignore or dismiss. He looked at her with what his fellow bandmates would teasingly call "heart eyes," an affectionate gaze filled with admiration and warmth.

Y/N, perceptive as ever, noticed the intensity of Jungkook's gaze. She felt the weight of his admiration, the unspoken words lingering in the air between them. Despite her keen awareness, she chose to ignore the underlying tension, convincing herself that Jungkook's gaze was nothing more than friendly interest.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, ranging from lighthearted topics to deeper, more personal matters. Jungkook shared stories from his life, his experiences in the music industry, and the challenges of balancing fame with personal desires. Y/N, in turn, opened up about her dreams, her aspirations, and the hurdles she had overcome.

As they talked, Jungkook found himself hanging on to her every word, savoring the sound of her voice and the wisdom in her thoughts. He admired her strength, her resilience, and her ability to find beauty in the ordinary. To him, she was extraordinary in every sense of the word.

But despite his deepening feelings, Y/N remained blissfully unaware of the storm of emotions raging within Jungkook. To her, their connection was a blossoming friendship, a bond forged over coffee and conversation. She appreciated his kindness, his genuine nature, and the ease with which they could talk about anything and everything.

However, Jungkook couldn't help but wish for something more. He yearned for a chance to express his feelings, to lay his heart bare and tell her what she meant to him. Yet, he held back, fearing that his emotions might complicate their budding friendship, that he might be moving too fast.

And so, as they continued their conversation, Jungkook made a silent vow to himself. He would cherish their friendship, support Y/N in every way he could, and hope that, in time, his heart's whispers would find a voice, and Y/N would come to see him as more than just a friend. 


Those eyes... what could they possibly be reflecting?

The Girl Who Didn't Fangirl ││ JJK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now