Faces from the Past

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Authors Note: Hello Everyone! This is Book Two of Unforeseen Love and I will try to release a new chapter at least once a month. I will also try to do the same with my other books as well but I am working and going to school full time so it will be a bit difficult. Please be patient with me and please tell me if I made a mistake anywhere. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Unforeseen Love: The Story of Us.

Celestia hummed as she searched around her room, not knowing what exactly she was looking for. She had first gone into her room to shower and change, as the Doctor had informed her and Rose that they were to be leaving in a couple of hours during breakfast, but now all she could think about was the mysterious thing that she had saw and that she just had to find it.

Once Celestia heard that they were going back to traveling at breakfast, she gave Jackie and Mickey a proper goodbye; giving them big hugs, promises to regularly call (as they knew Rose would just forget to call them or pick up their calls), and she even looked into their stars to tell them of things to watch out for. For Jackie, who wanted to know about the lottery numbers and her romantic life (along with any news about Rose's future), the star reader warned her to watch out for secretive men and that Rose will be safe and protected. She promised her that she would never let anything bad happened to Rose, reminding her of her promise from all those months before.  

For Mickey, Celestia knew that he was worried about how much of a coward he was, and she told him that there will be many opportunities for him to prove to himself that he is not a coward. She also told him to continue to work on his electronics, that they would do well with his future. Celestia couldn't read a lot of details, but she could see that Mickey would become even better than what he was currently, so she made sure to encourage him greatly to follow what was in his heart.

 The two were so happy from the news that they were told that they had failed to see Celestia shield her eyes as her eyes began to burn from the blinding white light took over her sight before going away. Celestia had rubbed her eyes and kept them close for a while, only finally opening her eyes when the Doctor had gotten her. 

Once Celestia finished giving them her goodbyes, the Doctor and her walked back to the Tardis while Rose stayed back at the flat to say her own goodbyes and to pack some more. Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, she rushed over to her bedroom and jumped into the shower. Once she had finished, she walked over to her closet and as she searched for clothes, something had caught her attention. 

From the corner of her eyes, she swore she saw some kind of gold stream move around, causing her to swiftly turn her head; almost not catching a glimpse of a golden stream but she had. This had caused her to go through with the idea of searching for whatever it was as it had reminded her of the gold stream that the Doctor had let out after his regeneration. 

Still in just her towel, she looked around the room for anything that was gold or caught her eye. She huffed when she found nothing and was about to walk backed to her closet when an unexpected thud sounded behind her, causing her to jump and almost drop her towel. Celestia took a deep breath and put a hand on her chest, trying to calm down. Once she was alright, she walked over to where the sound came from and found a blue notebook with an intricate design that felt so familiar to her.

A flash of gold went over her eyes, not that she was aware of. She reached over and picked the notebook off the floor. She then walked over to her desk and opened a drawer, where multiple sticky notes busted out of the tight space. Almost as though in a haze, she carefully sorted each sticky note and jotted down the notes on the notebook, along with adding more notes to it. At times, it felt as though someone was moving the pencil for her. It wasn't until the pencil snapped that Celestia got out of the haze and went back to the closet to change, forgetting about what had just occurred; never seeing the notebook closing in on itself, the pages glowing gold.

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