"Thank you," You breathe, giving each of the men a tight hug. When you get to Bob you give him a playful glare as he grins down at you. "Stop with the gifts."

"Hmmmm, nope," He chuckles, giving you a gentle kiss. "Just don't forget about me helpin'."

"Afraid I can keep up with you now?" You tease him with a grin.

"Ha! Not likely," He grins.

"Thank you everyone. This is amazing," You grin, testing out your prosthetic more. "There's a park close by. Can we go?"

"I don't see why not," Bob says.

"You two go ahead. We've got briefing. We wanted to spend our last few hours with you," Lain explains.

"I'm helpin' set up bingo. You two go have fun," Oscar says with a grin. "I'll see you two tonight."

"Wait, we're playing bingo?" Bob asks in surprise.

"Ooops. I forgot to tell you. I've missed the last two games and promised we'd go," You admit sheepishly.

"Have fun! See you both tonight!" Oscar grins.

You bid everyone farewell before climbing into Bob's truck, Bob driving you both to the nearby park. You smile as you look out the window at all the kids playing and all of the couples and families walking together.

"Ready?" He asks, looking over at you with a grin.

You stare out at the park, then at your prosthetic, and finally at Bob. He gives you a gentle smile and you return it, taking a deep breath and pushing the truck door open. Bob is quick to make it to your side as you take your time getting out of the truck, steadying yourself on two feet. He offers you his hand and you gladly take it, the two of you slowly making your way around the park. You sigh in delight as you walk. It's weird being on two legs again but you're not arguing. It's an amazing gift that you've been given.

"So, I know it made you mad but if you ever need to talk.....," Bob trails off after a little while.

"I was mad because it's not their place to tell you. Not because I don't want you to know," You explain to him. "What happened during those times is a really dark part of my past and a lot of really bad stuff happened."

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to bring it up," He mumbles, looking down at you when you give his hand a gentle squeeze.

"No, it's okay. When we're alone and not in public with prying ears," You chuckle. "Sound good?"

"Absolutely darlin'," He says with a grin.

Bob drives both of you back to your apartment and you attempt to take the stairs but your leg and your hip are sore from the walk on the prosthetic, Bob scooping you into his arms and taking you up the rest of the way.

"Ah! There you two are! Geez, bingo is in an hour!" Oscar huffs when you and Bob finally get upstairs.

"Hey! We still came back in time," Bob protests as he sets you down carefully.

"How was I supposed to know?" Oscar huffs. "Go do whatever you need then let's go!"

"As you command," You say, giving Oscar a mock salute.

"I'd rather just stay in," Bob grumbles softly so only you hear.

He really isn't one for public events and spending time around other people. Sure, he can handle it, but that doesn't mean he likes it.

"We'll see you soon," You tell Oscar, Bob following you into your apartment.

He grunts in surprise when you suddenly tug him towards the coach, following your silent command to sit.

"What are ya......Y-Y/N," Bob gasps when your hand is suddenly rubbing against his privates.

"Think of it as a thank you for coming tonight," You purr in a voice he never that drives him absolutely wild.

It doesn't take long for him to get hard, gasping when you pull him free of his pants. Bob can't help the flush in his cheeks when you look so surprised by his size.

"Jesus, you're enormous," You breathe.

He grits his teeth and his fingers dig into the couch cushions as you slowly run your tongue against his throbbing erection. He lets go of a needy whine, wanting to just bury his hand in your hair and slam himself hilt deep down your throat. However, he holds back on his desires. He doesn't want to scare you off but a time is bound to come when he won't have the self control any longer. A shiver of pleasure courses through him when you take him in your mouth. Your hands wrap around what you can't fit in your mouth and stroke him up and down while you suck against his tip. He groans when you take him down your throat, panting hard as he lays his head back against the couch.

"Sh-Shit darlin'!" He moans as you work your magic.

When your teeth gently slide against his length he lets out a pleased and rather loud moan. He can practically feel you smirking around his cock. He bites down on his hand to keep his noises as quiet as possible in case someone tries to interrupt. His heart pounds in his chest as he feels the pleasure build and build until finally spilling free. He pants hard as he tries to focus through the pleasure, watching your throat convulse as you swallow. God, the way you're looking at him like that is driving him insane. He wants to take you here and now, but it'll have to wait.

This'll be enough to tide him over for a small while. He hasn't had a blow job that good in who knows when. When you push to your feet he works himself back into his pants. You swallowed every fucking drop. He melts at the smile you give him, your cheeks flushed and your hair a bit of a mess. He reaches out a hand and gently cups your cheek, giving you a soft smile.

"Hope there will be more of those," He teases after a bit of silence.

"If you behave," You tease him with a laugh. "Was it okay?"

"I'm seriously having to hold myself back from ravishing you, I hope you know that," He growls softly as he gets to his feet, ensuring his pants are clean in case any residue is left behind. There's nothing but he still had to double check. "It was the best I've had."

"You're just saying that," You breathe with flushed cheeks.

"Not at all," He tells you, catching your gaze and staring firmly in your eyes. "I mean it. That was incredible."

He loves the way your eyes light up at his reassurance and he can't help but pull you close to him. He tilts your chin and then presses a kiss to your lips. His tongue finds its way inside your mouth, tasting the mix of you and him on your tongue. He supports you as you give in to the kiss, holding you close. When he's needing air he finally pulls back, both of you gasping in the oxygen.

"Y/N! Bob! Let's go!" Oscar calls from the closed door after knocking on it.

"Everything look okay?" You ask Bob.

You hadn't even thought about Bingo in this moment.

"Run a brush through your hair and you'll be fine," He says with a chuckle. "I'll hold him off."

He smiles and watches you run to the bathroom before taking a deep breath and going to the door. He opens it up to find an impatient Oscar tapping his foot.

"Where's Y/N?" He demands with narrowed eyes. "I swear if you tell me you're not going I'm gonna lose it."

"She's in the bathroom," Bob tells him with a chuckle.

There's not much this old man could do against either of you. You're a trained soldier and despite his size he's got a lot of strength and stamina.

"Ready!" You smile after coming to the door, you and him following after Oscar.

"Geez, I thought you were taught to be on time," Oscar teases you.

"I was but that doesn't mean I have to," You reply with a grin. "Sorry, it took me longer to get ready than I meant."

"Bah, I'm only teasing," Oscar chuckles. "Alright! Bingo time!"

In the Arms of DangerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя