"Yiahn, yahe kiae lone?" Malik inquired and that made me wonder what they were discussing as the man nodded in response to his question before sparing me a glance that was quickly filled with disgust.

"Iao Aropian un ao hiauede?"

"Jon, her name is Zaelah and she is my mate, that alone should be enough for you to show her respect," Malik told him while removing his hand from mine before resting it against my waist in a protective manner, bringing me closer to him as realisation greeted the man's eyes when he looked at me.

"IIuabe hbaoe?" Malik nodded in response to whatever he said.

"I apologise, Alpha, I hadn't noticed." The man named, Jon, stated, finally speaking Iaokin though I almost didn't understand him due to his strong accent which told me Iaokin wasn't his first nor his second language.

"Apologise to her," Malik simply ordered, which had Jon facing me.

"I'm sorry, Alpha Zaelah."

I nodded awkwardly, "It's alright. Can we go?" I asked Malik and he gave Jon one last look before turning to me.

"Two more places then we can go wherever you want." He started, leading me through the crowd once again. "You've been here before right?"

"Yeah, I'd visit an old friend, Princess Maya from time to time."

"How would you like to visit her again?" I halted my steps, pulling our movements to a stop as I turned to him, showing my shock.

"She's alive?" I asked him, hoping I hadn't misinterpreted his words.

"She was one of the few royals who were willing to live here in peace. So do you want to see her?" He questioned him and I shook my head because, for some reason I didn't feel ready to see her, it was like something was preventing me from going.

"Not yet, but thank you for the offer," I answered with a grateful smile.

"Enjoying the tour?" He jokingly inquired and my eyes slipped down his figure before handing him a reply.

"I'm actually enjoying the view," I informed him, returning the same energy he had given me which earned a slight grin from him.

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Would I have to go through a whole coronation process like I did when I became queen?" I asked, curious about how different life would be if I decided to live here.

"Yes, it's tradition, but it's slightly different from a human's crowning." He admitted, pulling at my interest in the topic even more.


"You'd have to be marked before the ceremony even begins."

"Why is that?" I inquired as we approached another vendor stand.

"My mark would give you the same power I hold." He answered while I fixed the strap on my dress.

"If you mark me will my heat completely disperse?"

My question earned me a shake of the head that indicated a 'no'.

"Loina, uhuab jaue?" Malik asked the vendor and she swiftly took an unfamiliar fruit that was in a bag from her stall before handing it to Malik.

"Hauube auen." She expressed, pulling a warm smile from him.

"Uinae. Let's go Zaelah."

"What's that?" I inquired, curiously as we continued walking through the crowd.

"A jaue, it gives humans the chance to inherit werewolf abilities, temporarily though." He disclosed and his answer had another question rising within the depths of my mind.

"Who is it for?"

"You, but I suggest that you try it later." He advised me.

"Why would I need it?" I questioned him and patiently waited for his answer.

"Since you've been asking so many questions about werewolves, I thought the jaue would be the best way for you to experience it," Malik explained, causing a smile to bless my lips at his thoughtfulness.

"Would I be able to turn?"

"No, your body was not made to handle the transformation." He briefed me.

"How does being a Lycan work? Like how do you change?"

"I can't really explain, but I guess it's just a feeling of familiarity. He's a part of me and when I close my eyes I can feel him reaching out, asking me to set him free." He expressed with a soft smile as if he was reliving the memory he had just described.

"That sounds incredible."

"It is, d—" He was unable to finish his sentence because someone spoke.

"Alpha, are you coming to see us train?" A little boy asked as he ran towards us with shocking speed.

"I am, Geo," Malik answered, plastering a grin on his lips while Geo's eyes moved to me and I caught the look of curiosity entering his orbs.

"Are you the human mommy has been talking about?" He questioned me, innocently revealing his mother's actions.

"Most likely," I replied.

"What's your name?"

"Zaelah, what's yours?" I inquired, showing interest in the conversation.

"Geon, will you be—"

"Geo! It's time." Someone shouted from the field that was a couple of feet away from us and I noticed it was filled with people who I knew were probably training or getting ready to.

Geon sighed tiredly when the announcement greeted his ears, but he offered us a wave that meant 'goodbye' before running towards the woman who had called him.

"So you're bringing me to see a bunch of werewolves train?"

"Do you not—" He began in haste but I didn't allow him to finish.

"I want to, come on."

I removed his hand from my waist and swiftly made my way towards the group of people on the green field who were either stretching or speaking amongst themselves, so I made sure to keep my distance as I knew my presence wasn't one they exactly enjoyed.

"Can you fight?" Malik questioned, appearing behind me.

"I can, my mother taught me," I informed him, turning his way to give him my undivided attention.

"Do you enjoy it?"

I nodded immediately because the memories of little battles my mother and I had, rose with the question.

"I do, but I don't fight unless it's necessary."

"Like the war?" He inquired and my mind shifted to the werewolves that died from the swing of my blade. At that moment in time, I was relieved when I killed them, but right now I was disgusted with myself for taking a life without the right knowledge of why.

"Yes, but hearing and seeing everything you've done I feel horrible that I didn't get the chance to learn your side of the story. I let everything I was taught cloud my better judgement." I confessed and he released a sigh.

"Zaelah, there was nothing you could have done because you were misguided and there was no one around you to teach you the right way." He began, "You fought back and the truth is, you had every right to."


Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now