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Zaelah's P.O.V

Tomorrow couldn't have come sooner.

I had barely slept since the meeting had been on my mind the entire night and I feared what was to come if it wasn't a success, but even with that fear, I still had hope.

I wouldn't be a true Aropian if I didn't.

I heard a knock on my door which made my eyes shoot open since the sound offered itself as an announcement that it was time to begin my busy day. I stood stretching my tense muscles as a yawn escaped my dry lips, which I immediately wetted with my tongue.

My body ached with a level of pain that was fueled by the injuries I had accumulated yesterday during the ongoing battle as I stretched my tired vessel, while the knock sounded on the wooden door once more and the sound had me offering a small sigh in response.

"Coming," I told them while slipping on the clothes I had taken off last night since I didn't really enjoy wearing anything to bed.

Once I was fully clothed I walked towards the door to open it and the action left me to be greeted with the sight of my family who immediately entered with smiles on their lips.

I stared at them bewildered as I pushed my bedroom door close while my exhaustion whispered its words of protest to my awakened state in my ear.

"You're all cheery today," I mumbled while watching my dad place a tray of food on my bedside table.

"Today will determine the outcome of our lives. We've decided not to dwell on the bad parts, plus we brought you breakfast, you can't meet the king on an empty stomach." My mother explained leading me towards the bed while being careful not to touch the bandages that covered my arm.

I sat on the edge of my bed with a hint of irritation in my system that I knew would only grow as the exchange proceeded, but nonetheless, I forced out a smile as I began to search through my tired mind for words to place before them.

"Thank you," I uttered as I began eating while my father had a quiet conversation with my mother.

"What do you want to wear when you meet him?" Ariella inquired looking through my closet, and my sense of irritation gradually stood since their behaviour would mirror a family's actions on their child's birthday when, in reality, I was placed in a situation that would in return decide whether or not we lived or died.

"A dress with Aropia's colours," I replied while trying my best to hide my current state of emotions.

My kingdom's colours consisted of a beautiful shade of blood red, a dark shade of black and a grass-like green you would only find on Dragoian land.

"Alright, I'll see if I can find something. You look better in black, to be honest." She stated and I quietly agreed with that statement as I ate the buttered toast and eggs they brought me.

I knew my family was trying to hide the deep feeling of worries they had with smiles, but their eyes could never lie as every time they stared at me I could tell they were scared for my life, and I would be lying if I said wasn't too, I was terrified as I continued to wonder if I would make it out of this alive.

My father drew the curtains open allowing the sun's glare to connect with my orbs and the act prompted me to look away since the ray travelled with deep intensity like the deafening sounds of cries across the battlefield.

With a sigh, I stood. "I'm going to take a shower," I told them, and they nodded looking at me as if it would be the last time.

I entered the bathroom removing my Ola-eua which was a head covering women and men used to protect their hair during the night when they slept, and my afro revealed its prideful and gravity-defying stance in response to my actions.

Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now