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I woke up the next day to the feeling of tingles against my cheek and I didn't need to open my eyes to know they were caused by Malik.

"Good morning." He greeted me as I opened my eyes, slowly.

It took a few seconds for them to get used to the bright room that got its light from the rising sun, but once they did I was able to see him already staring down at me.

Malik gazed at me with adoration in his orbs while the sun glistened against his skin to give the illusion that the colour was actually gold and even though he had just woken up his image matched the meaning of perfection.

How was it possible to achieve such looks?

"Good morning," I mumbled, quietly hoping he didn't smell my morning breath, but I knew he already did due to his heightened sense of smell.

"Do you feel better?" Malik inquired, I only nodded as my nervous mind decided it was best not to talk.

"Did you sleep ok?" I nodded again and it had him smiling, "Why aren't you speaking, Zaelah?"

"Morning breath," I muttered, causing his smile to turn into a wide grin as he leaned into me.

"I don't care, I have morning breath too." He whispered amusedly and his statement relieved my mind of any anxiousness I had before as I relaxed against the bed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him, never looking away from his black eyes.

"Happy." He replied briefly and his response had a smile appearing on my lips.

"Why is that?"

"I think we both know why," Malik stated, brushing my braid from my cheek, but as I was about to speak again, he cut me off.

"Your family is coming." He informed me and I didn't get the chance to react because the door was already being pushed open to reveal them.

"You all should have knocked," I told them, forcing down an annoyed frown because my eyes caught the sight of my brother who was carrying a tray of food to my bedside table

"Good morning!" Dante greeted Malik excitedly with a smile, completely disregarding my presence.

"Good morning, what's your name?" Malik asked as Dante climbed onto the bed in front of his feet.

"Dante! You're Malik right?" My brother inquired, earning a nod from Malik. "Are you really a werewolf?"

I diverted my attention from them to my parents and sister.

"Do you feel better?" Ariella inquired while taking a seat beside me as I sat up.

"Much better," I assured her, planting a smile on my lips to support my response.

"Does that mean he leaves today?" Kai asked me with hope hidden in his words and I glanced at Malik who I noticed was already looking at me.

"I can spend a few more hours here if you'd like," Malik offered and I shook my head, going against everything my soul wanted because it couldn't bear the thought of him leaving again.

"You don't have to," I told him, brushing off his offer.

"I want to." He remarked and I had to stop myself from smiling because I didn't want him to know how much happiness his response brought me as a fluttering feeling began rising in my stomach.

"Then that's settled," I notified Kai, who now had a frown on his dark brows.

"Come on we'll give you some space, but before I go I suggest you both go outside." My mother announced and her words pulled my brows together.

"Why?" I inquired, showing her my need for clarity.

"Many citizens are still wary of Malik's presence, it would do you good if they saw both of you in public together." She explained and I had to say her idea wasn't bad, but would it work?

"Are you fine with this?" I asked Malik, knowing I couldn't do anything without his consent because I needed to make sure he wasn't uncomfortable.

"As long as I get to spend time with you." He answered, making the task of fighting my smile even harder, but when I shifted my gaze back to my mother, it became easy.

"We'll go outside," I told her.

"Alright, come on Dante."

My brother sighed at her soft order but gave Malik a small wave that said goodbye before moving off the bed to head toward our mother and I watched as all our uninvited guests left the way they came.

"Are you alright?" He questioned me, making my orbs dart to his.

"Tired and a little upset you'll be going later," I answered truthfully, gaining a slight frown.

"I do not wish to go, Zaelah, but I have to." He expressed and I nodded, showing him I understood completely.

"I know, I shouldn't have brought it up," I stated and his frown deepened, obviously not liking how easily I pushed away my feelings to end the conversation.

"If you do not wish to part, how about you come to my kingdom—just for a two-day visit?" Malik suggested and I honestly didn't know how to respond to that even though I knew I had to visit his kingdom sooner or later because it was a part of our agreement, but I hadn't imagined it'd be this soon.

"I'll think about it."

"Good. You should start eating your breakfast before it gets cold, I'm gonna take a shower." He announced and I forced my eyes not to trace his perfectly sculpted body as he stood before making his way to the bathroom, but I didn't allow him to enter.

"Do you want me to get you another suit?" I inquired and he turned my way with a slight nod.

"If it's not a problem." He replied.

"None at all, also there is an extra toothbrush in the left cabinet," I informed him as he turned the doorknob.

"Thank you."

That was the last thing said before he entered the bathroom, closing the door behind him which allowed me to quickly eat my breakfast before I went downstairs to the Alkebulans' quarters where I was greeted by the awful sight of badly injured soldiers—who didn't look like they'd survive the night but I could only hope our ancestor gave them the strength to—and with the sight came the smell of blood that leaked from their wounds, sweat that fell from their foreheads as they struggled to stay alive and dirt that was carried from the battlefield.

"Good morning, your highness. Are you in search of Nina?" One of the Alkebulan I knew was named Mika, asked the second he saw me enter.

"Good morning and yes I am," I answered, allowing his eyes to search the room before he pointed at the door to my far left.

"She's in her office over there." He informed me and I offered him a grateful smile before making my way towards the door.

Once I was in front of it I balled my hand into a fist, ready to lift it so I could knock, but I didn't have to because I heard a 'come in' which had my hand greeting the doorknob, pushing the door open before slipping inside.

"Good morning, Nina." I greeted her while closing the wooden object that allowed me passage in.

"Good morning, my q—" She began, but I interrupted her.

"Just call me, Zaelah," I interjected, drawing a soft smile onto her lips.

"Well good morning Zaelah, what can I do for you today?" Nina questioned me while standing from her desk before heading towards a closet.

"I need a s—"

I paused the second I saw her pull out a suit, shoes and boxers from the closet she had just opened, "Here you go. It should fit perfectly."

"I—oh, thank you," I replied gratefully as I took the brand new suit of clothes into my hands.

"Of course, m—Zaelah."


Thanks for reading.

Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now