88. So Did She Ever Get In?

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"bring it on, boo" Lane said standing up

In the end Trina had punched, kicked, elbowed, and flipped each of the five

Present time
3rd person pov

"Oh, and im crazy to think that the knockout gas story is true" Jade said looking at her cousin rolling her eyes

"You seriously think Trina got into this school by ninja whacking five teachers" Andre asked looking at her

"It's the story i heard" Beck shrugged

"Wait, Sikowitz had hair?" Cat asked as they all looked at her

"So here's my bedroom at home, and see? Underneath the bed, that's where i keep the extra sandwiches. So apparently the smell was coming from a tuna melt that i'd made last-" Sikowitz was explained but got cut off as the door busted open and Tori came in

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I'm late!" She said as everyone looked at her

"It's cool"

"Yeah, we're just listening to a very long story about the smell coming from under Sikowitz's bed" Andre said as they nodded

"Not as long as Becks long story about how Trina got into this school" Jade said crossing her arms over her chest, not looking at her cousin

Truth be told from a little Cynthia Valentine , they had been arguing over dumb shit lately and its annoying her

"how did Trina get into this school?" Cynthia asked looking at Tori

"Uh, well, I dont know. I guess she just auditioned and got in" Tori shrugged

"But shes untalented"

"Cat, that's mean and true. How did she get in?" Tori asked confused as everyone began to talk over each other

"Children, kids." Sikowitz said clearing his throat as everyone stopped talking and looked at him

"I can tell you how Trina got into Hollywood Arts" he said crossing his arms over his chest

"You know?" Andre asked as he nodded

"Mm-hm. i was at her audition four years ago." he said before looking at the ceiling earning in everyone else looking at the ceiling confused

"So are you gonna tell us?" Tori asked looking at him

"oh, yeah! So just before Trina's audition was about to begin Principal Eicher walked into the room"


"ok, whos auditioning next?" Sikowitz asked carving a coconut

"Hey, you guys, that weird kid, uh, ginseng?" Eicher said coming into the room

"Sinjin?" Lane asked looking at him

"Yeah, he got his face stuck in the soda machine again. Can you come help me pull it out?" Eicher asked, they all got up to leave but he stopped Sikowitz

"No, Sikowitz, you stay here and continue with the auditions."

"Right" Sikowitz said sitting back down

"What's that" Eicher asked pointing to Sikowitz's coconut

"Oh, its a special coconut my cousin sent me from Sri Lanka. I'm gonna drink its milk" he said grabbing a straw and putting it in the hole he carved

"uh, it smells kind of weird" Eicher said leaning away

"Yeah, it was delivered to my back door so i didnt see if for three weeks" he shrugged

"Maybe its spoiled" Eicher said smelling it once more

"Maybe, but im still gonna drink its milk" Sikowitz shrugged

"Yeah, but, uh-oh, i gotta-- okay, Sinjin, im coming!" He said leaving hearing Sinjin yelling

"All right, next" Sikowitz said drinking some coconut milk

"hi, im Trina Vega"

"Hello, Trina"

"Thats a funky taste" Sinjin said drinking more milk

"All right, Trina, take it away." he said drinking more milk making weird faces

"Cant stop. You know we'll never give it up" she began to sing but it was all disoriented from his view

"Oh, i think this coconut milk is affecting me" he said looking around before looking back at her,

Everything was tinted green, there was fish flying around and Trina was spinning. As she kept singing her then saw four of her and every color but more vibrant. And then she came out of a door with red eyes and in a marching band costume, and then she was in a knight costume in a field of purple, pink, green and blue hills

"Oh, sweet mitosis, look what she can do!" Sikowitz yelled seeing Trina now in the clouds wearing the marching band outfit

"Oh look! Now shes a hot dog!" He laughed seeing two Trina's one in the marching band outfit, and the other in a hot dog outfit

"i love hot dogs! Oh, sing hot dog!" he yelled dancing with her as she finished

"Ah, Trina is in!" he said getting up and checking the yes box

"Trina is in!" and the next

"Trina is in!" and the next

"Trina is in!" and the next

"And Trina is in!" and the next

Present time
3rd person pov

"And after seeing that, i accepted Trina into Hollywood Arts" Sikowitz said as everyone looked at him

"You mean just cause you drank some bad coconut milk?"

"And saw visions?"

"Im not proud of it" Sikowitz said looking around

"Hey, does anyone smell that?" Cynthia asked scrunching her nose

"Smells like sushi" Jade confirmed

"Kind of like salmon" Andre said turning to the girls

"No. no, i think its-its yellow tail"

"No, wait, maybe its-"

"its squid!" Tori yelled cutting Cat off

"All right. It's squid. Its squid" she yelled whining as she stood up

"Squid makes sense"


"I smell it now"

"Wait, where is Robbie?" Sikowitz asked looking around

He was currently massaging one of the chefs foot as Nozu

Possibility • Beck OliverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora