Chapter 15

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3rd person pov:

After Sakusa had dropped Komori safely home, he began walking to his own dorm. Meanwhile, Atsumu, Suna and Osamu were on there way back when they thought to stop at the corner shop to get some snacks.

Atsumu's pov:

After we had got our snacks we began to return to our dorms. I was extremely nervous going back to my dorm because of what happened earlier but I decided to try and act like nothing happened. And plus now I know he has some sort of feelings for me (well at least I think he does) Samu and Suna have given me ideas on how to ask him out. I'm not going to do it yet but I'll do it when the time feels right.

I arrived to my shared dorm when I snapped out of my thoughts. I opened the door revealing a sleeping Sakusa. I can't get over how pretty and peaceful he looks when he's sleeping. I was completely enchanted by him that I didn't even realize that I was sat on his bed next to him while, running my hands through his hair until I heard a groan escape from the his lips. I immediately took my hand away from his head and after Omi questioned me, "Why did you do that?". "Do what?", I asked looking confused. "Remove your hand from my head", Omi replied. Before I could answer he grabbed my hand and placed it to where it was before. When I finally took in what happened, I started running my fingers through his hair again. He leaned into my touch and started to go back to sleep.

3rd person pov:

When Sakusa started dozing off, Atsumu scootched closer to him and began to snuggle into him while still playing with Sakusas hair. About 10 minutes later he fell asleep as well.

~The next day~

Sakusa's pov:

I woke up with Atsumu by my side and I immediately smiled to myself. We didn't have any game matches today so we have the day to do whatever we want and right now I'm happy to stay where I am right now and that is in Atsumu's arms. Being in Tsumu's arms, made me feel so inspired that I started to write a song about him. Call me cliché but he's my muse. I started writing lyrics on my phone so I wouldn't forget how it went and after about 15 minutes of writing, Tsumu began to wake up from his slumber.

"Morning", I greeted him. "Mhm", he replied still half asleep making me slightly chuckle. It took a couple of minutes for Tsumu to fully wake up and when he did he sat up and asked if I wanted to go anywhere today. I just shrugged and then asked the same question to him.

"To be honest I kinda want to try that new Boba place", he admitted. "Alright I'll take you there so go get dressed", I announced.

3rd person pov:

After they had got dressed, they began to walk to Sakusa's car because they both agreed that they were to lazy to walk. When they got to the car, Sakusa opened the door for Atsumu. "What a gentleman. At this point it feels like you're taking me out on a date", Atsumu chuckled but immediately shut up after Sakusa's reply. "Maybe I am". "Wait what".

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