"You hurt my friends, you pay the price!!" Lightning crackles around the flames in Natsu's hand. "This one's for Laxus—and the Thunder Legion! LIGHTNING FLAME DRAGON LIGHTNING HAMMER!!"

Natsu launches the lightning filled flame at the demon and he grunts at the pain as he's knocked back. Jackal hits a wall, damaging it.

Lucy, Wendy and I are now standing and gaze at Natsu in awe.

Lucy says as she winks, "That guy's downtown's destroyed. I'd say our work here is done."

I nod as Wendy sighs, briefly closing her eyes and dipping her head, "That's how we roll."

Natsu's arma, right side and leg light up before exploding. We gasp with worry.

"Natsu!" Lucy exclaims as we rush over.

Wendy says, "That explosion was huge, even for someone as tough as him."

Happy asks as he and Charlele float toward us, "What happened? Are you okay?"

Charlele informs us, "We managed to evacuate the townspeople to a safe distance."

Happy gasps fearfully at the sight of Natsu unconscious. "Natsu!"

Charlele asks, hovering beside me, "What did we miss?"

I explain, "It turns out Jackal was a demon. Natsu managed to beat him, but just barely."

Natsu suddenly holds up two fingers as he wheezes, "Yeah! Kicked his butt!"

Wendy tells him as Natsu drops his hand with a pained groan, "We're very proud of you."

Happy teases, "Wore yourself out hitting him?"

Charlele says, gazing towards jackal who's lying face down in front of the wall, "He has quit a bit to answer for."

Jackal suddenly laughs, startling us. He leans on his hand as he mutters, "Well, I'll be damned if I saw this coming." Beams of light appear around his body. "I haven't taken a beating like that since I was still a pup. Guess it had to happen sometime." Here, Jackal closes his eyes. "Kyoka, forgive me!" More beams appear around the demon. "You're gonna have a tough time bringing me back, but this is the only way to take these humans with me!"

More beams appear throughout the town.

Lucy says timidly, "Guys? I don't like this!"

"Me neither," Says Wendy.

"Nor do I," I say.

Natsu opens his eyes as Charlele says, "He must be planning to demolish the whole town!"

I beg him, as buildings begin to explode, "Stop, please!"

Jackal murmurs, "Even if I wanted to, it's too late." He opens his eyes and lifts his head. "I'm not the kind of bomb that you can just diffuse. This body is rigged to blow, even if it dies." We all skid down the crater to Natsu. Jackal laughs madly. "I'll see you in hell, so don't miss me too much!"

Lucy asks as she drops to her knees beside Natsu, "What'll we do now? We're gonna get caught up in the blast!"

Just then, Happy flies towards Jackal and grabs the remaining bit of his shirt before launching back up into the air. "Not if I can help it!" Happy cries out in exertion.

"Hey!" Exclaims Jackal.

"Happy, no!" Natsu cries, now sitting up.

"What are you...?!" Charlele trails off.

"You stupid little cat!" Jackal snaps.

"Happy! Get away from him, now!!" Wendy screams, fists clenched.

Part 2: Shadows of Magic (Rogue Cheney X OC)Where stories live. Discover now