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Yeorim was shocked for a moment. What? She had to do what?

"What?" She asked, making sure she heard him right. Hyunjin chuckled

"Kiss her. Then I might stop teasing you"

Yeorim stood there staring at Minha for a moment until she started to lean in. Minha closed her eyes tightly, preparing for whatever was about to happen.

But it never happened.

She opened her eyes and her jaw dropped to the floor once seeing the scene in front of her.

Yeorim didn't kiss her.


She kissed Hyunjin.

"What the fuck!" Hyunjin said while punching her and pushing her away, but that didn't effect her. She had an evil smirk plastered on her face.

"You crazy bitch!" Minho yelled at the top of his lungs. He was about to charge towards Yeorim, but was held back by Hyunjin.

"Leave these crazy bitchasses alone. This was a waste of fucking time!" Hyunjin pulled Minho out of the gym, being obviously frustrated that his plan to humiliate Yeorim was a fail.

Yeorim's POV:

"What the fuck did I just do?!" I mentally scolded myself for doing that. "Did I just fucking kiss my bully?! Ugh I'm so stupid!"

Kuina ran up to the two older girls.

"Kang Yeorim, what the hell just happened?! Why would you do that?!" Kuina scolded me while helping Minha stand up straight.


"You know what, save it! Help me get Minha to the nurse. Then we'll talk" Kuina said while starting to walk off with Minha.

As we walked to the nurse I was lost in thought.

"Why did I do that?"

"I made it worse"

"Kuina hates me now"

"I'm such a bad friend"

I didn't even notice we arrived at the nurses office until a voice cut off my train of thoughts.

"Names?" The nurse asked while helping Minha to the bed.

"She's Choi Minha, I'm Kang Yeorim and she is Hikari Kuina." I said pointing towards the girls. "Minha got beaten up by H- another student."

The nurse nodded while writing something down. She then took some ointment and dabbed it on Minha's wounds.

I felt terrible. If I were a better friend she wouldn't be here. If I came earlier she wouldn't have gotten beaten up.

I should just kill myself.


Yay the plot is back~
Longest chapter so far👍

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