Just a Name

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Somewhere in Northern Italy
14th century AD

"You are wrong though" said Crowley while sinking further into his chair with his glass of wine.

Dante was sitting opposite to him in a similar position. It was a warm Autumn night. Crowley has managed to track Dante walking home from a tavern. He persuaded him, with minimal effort due to his drunkenness, to accompany him home.

"And how...would you...know that?" said Dante clearly drunk.

"I've been to Hell. Haven't seen any circle" said Crowley. "But there are levels, I'll give you that. Your categories though do need some work" he said.

"Oh, you've been to Hell now. What makes you...you...for you to be from Hell" said Dante confusingly.

"A demon obviously" said Crowley with a smirk without truly knowing if that was the answer Dante was looking for.

"It is not obvious to me, my friend" said Dante. "Cheers to you" he said while taking a big gulp out of his wine.

For a moment Crowley was contemplating taking off his glasses. Yet, he wouldn't want to deal with the consequences of a writer learning about demons. There was a difference between revealing his demonic eyes through words and actions.

"Well, let's agree to disagree" said Crowley.

"So, your book has been quite a hit though" he said. "Will there be a sequel...friend?" asked Crowley.

"The story seems complete. Done! Finito! What would the sequel be about?" he said.

"How about I give you ideas by telling you what Hell is really like, and in exchange, you give me the first edition of your book, signed of course, and perhaps a dedication" said Crowley.

He didn't have any more patience to figure out a deceptive way to ask for it.

Dante looked at him confused. Then, he started howling with laughter.

"Why would I do that? It doesn't seem like a fair deal" he said. " You book" said while pointing at Crowley, "me just ideas?" and pointed to himself.

"I am a writer, I have ideas. Tons of them" he said while he threw his hands in the air.

"I am offering you a true narration of Hell! No human has ever gotten this chance before!" said Crowley while being slightly offended

Dante kept sipping wine while he laughed.
Crowley could see that this conversation was leading absolutely nowhere. He could surely steal the book, and Dante would be none the wiser considering he would have a Hell worthy hangover tomorrow. Yet, he knew Aziraphale would hesitate to accept a stolen book.

"Why would you need a dedication?" asked Dante. This was perhaps the most coherent sentence he had made all night.

Crowley wasn't sure how to answer this question.

"There is this Angel I know..." he said without having processed whether he wanted that information shared.

"Oh, AN ANGEL! Where is this angel? Also on earth? Or do you hear him talking at you?" he said clearly mocking Crowley.

"If you want to know so badly, yes he is also on earth. We've been here about the same time" said Crowley while assuring himself that Dante won't remember a single word tomorrow.

Dante just looked at him. He had been observing Crowley's facial expressions while he talked about this angel.

"Tell me my friend" he said while taking a sip of his wine. "Do you love this Angel?" he asked with a wide smile.

Aziraphale & Crowley: An Ineffable Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now