EC 67: They're here

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'Alpha! We have a problem! Our borders had been breached!' Zayier used the mind link to relay the sudden intrusion to Amber. It was a normal day of patrolling around the territory but a sudden wave of rogue attack happened without them noticing their approach.

Amber, considered one of the strongest alphas, did not expect this development, 'Hold them off, don't let them take a step further in our territory.' She left her study then pushed open Zael's office and gestured with her head that they were going out. 'I'll be sending our pack warriors to help you there right now.'

She looked at Zael and gave him a command, "Inform the elders of the attack and dispatch them to direction of our borders. Tell them to bring enough pack warriors with them. Also contact Elder Zita, she would be in-charge of making sure that the civilians are protected."

"I'm on it," he was already on the mind link and was talking with the elders, each assigning them to a specific direction as per Amber's orders.

After receiving the command, the elders did not waste time and gathered the pack warriors under their command to defend Ceurian. Elder Zita was already at the plaza escorting their pack members towards the refuge they prepared in case of an attack. It was an impenetrable fortress that can protect them from any attack.

Their forces were mobilized at the shortest amount of time, Amber on the other hand was monitoring what was happening when Zayier once again spoke through the mind link. 'Rogues in Lurea woods. They are currently attempting to enter the woods and I think most of their forces are in here.'

'Shred them to pieces, don't let any of those things enter the woods. I'll be there shortly.' Amber left Zael to be the central person in the heart of Ceurian together with Elder Zita. He was to report everything that was happening to her.

Amber shifted into her silver wolf then sped up towards the direction of the Lurea Woods. She was only a few kilometers away from the woods and she could already hear the sound of growls and howls. From what she heard, there were a number of rogues that was attacking them.

As she burst out from the trees, she lunged at the first rogue she spotted and bit on its neck as she violently ripped the enemy apart. She made her way towards the front while killing enemies along the way. Her coat was already matted with blood and its silver color was replaced with the crimson color of rogue blood. Once she reached the entrance to Lurea Woods, she could see her pack warriors defending the place. She also saw Zayier facing off against a large wolf, he had a deep wound on his side with some other small wounds on his body.

'Zayier, distract the enemy,' she prepared herself to attack while waiting for Zayier to create an opening for her. Without any change in his expression, he heeded his alpha's command and lunged to distract the enemy. Both of them exchange attacks and once the enemy had left his neck open, Amber took the chance to attack with her fangs ready to bite the enemy.

The moment that she was about to rip the enemy, the wolf was able to dodge and it took a few steps back away from the both of them. Eirian maneuvered and used the power of her hind legs to push her forward with her claws and swiped towards the enemy.

'It's not a rogue,' she told Zayier through the mind link. 'This one must be one of the wolves who are behind this attack. Subdue him and keep him alive.'

Zayier did not let the wolf get away and instead chase after him, even Eirian did not waste the chance and helped in cornering the wolf. Both of them circled the enemy wolf while growling at him, Amber even released her aura as an alpha to intimidated the wolf but it had little to no effect which means that the wolf was bound to another alpha.

Seeing that there was no effect, Eirian signaled for Zayier. Her gamma attacked once again swiping with his claws to take down the enemy once the wolf was pinned, Eirian walked towards them and snarled at the struggling wolf. "You won't be able to escape from Ceurian." With that, she released a pressure that made Zayier uncomfortable and even the surrounding wolves could not help but shake in fear and submit to the force. The pack members of Ceurian were not that affected but the rogues were not able to escape.

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