EC 12: Arguing with a wolf

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Zael noticed the flickering gold in her eyes and he did not know if it was a good sign or not. "Yes, and he is asking if he can use a phone to call his family," he stated which only made her snarl in dissatisfaction.

Was he calling his family so that he can leave Ceurian? She could not help but be bothered by this thought. Calling his family only means that he might not stay in the pack and that he might run away and leave her. The golden glow in her eyes intensified as she glared at the man in front of her. Zael did not hesitate to take a step back after seeing the intense reaction from the Alpha.

"No!" The answer became a growl that reverberated through the halls which gave shivers to Zael and made the other pack members kneel to their knees.

He glanced at the Alpha who reached for her head and covered her eyes before she lifted her left hand to stop Zael before she turned around and left. The oppressive presence disappeared and he could finally breath. Zayier appeared from a corner with a frown on his face as he looked at his brother who turned pale after coming face to face with the Alpha's domineering aura.

"Are you alright?" Zayier supported his brother who almost fell on the floor when he got near.

The Beta took a couple of deep breaths before he was able to answer his brother, "I'm fine. I thought that I'm going to die!" He patted his chest to reassure himself that his heart was still beating.

He and his wolf were scared by the sudden anger of the Alpha, they did not expect her to suddenly release her aura carelessly like that. He could already imagine scenes of blood while managing the pack with the Alpha's current mood swings, it would be the greatest challenge for him to prevent any blood bath from happening.

"What happened?" Zayier asked with worry, his forehead creased because of the frown on his face. He ran the stairs up when he felt the Alpha's aura spreading through the pack house which affected the common pack members and left them shaking in fear.

"I just notified the Alpha that her mate was already awake and that he was requesting for a phone to call his family when the Alpha suddenly got angry," he explained. He also did not understand, he was only telling her the request of his mate but then he received an unexpected reaction.

Zayier's eyes moved to the tightly shut door of the room where the Alpha locked herself. "Let's leave her be for now. Talk to the Alpha's mate and tell him that his request has been relayed to the one in-charge."

With no other choice, Zael fixed himself and entered the Alpha's room once again. He was smiling even though it was forced but it was still better than entering with a frown.

Xander warily looked at the man and he could not help but flinch when the person got near the bed where he was. The reaction did not escape Zael's eyes. "I have already relayed your request to the person in-charge. For now, you need to focus on your recovery while we wait for the response. Oh, and by the way I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Zael Ferox Bellator."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Xander Castillo." He also introduced himself since it would be rude if he won't tell him his name.

Zael nodded, "If you need anything, you can just press that button on the bedside table and I'll come. I'll let someone bring up food because you might be hungry after sleeping for such a long time."

"What was that growl I heard a while ago?" he tried to ask after thinking about it. The sound reminded him of the wolf that had attacked them and he could not help but felt fear.

Zael saw that the man became tense after asking the question and that his hands were tightly clenching the blanket. There was a slight quiver on his voice that did not escape his enhance hearing, he was afraid and that was not a good sign.

"Oh, that was not a growl, they were just moving some heavy furniture and they just passed by the corridor. You don't need to worry because you are safe here." All he could was smile to at least reassure the man that he was not going to be harmed while he was in there.

Xander chose to nod to the man's words because he had no other options. He felt uncomfortable and suspicious of the place where he was in right now and if he had would have the chance to leave, he would gladly do so. Even the room he was in right now was making him uneasy for some unknown reason.

The silence between them remained awkward so Zael decided to leave him be for now. He would return once it was time to change the man's bandage and it was also better to give him space.

After the man left, Xander silently observed the room but he saw that there was nothing suspicious around although he was not that sure. He tried to stand up but he failed to do so as he fell on the wooden floor and resisted the urge to scream in pain because his shoulder bumped the side of the small drawer beside the bed.

Amber on the other hand was having a long and serious conversation with her wolf. Luckily, she was able to control her before she can do more damage. Ever since they found their mate, her wolf had stopped talking to her and she would go temperamental once in a while. Now, she had gone off and intimated all of the members inside the pack house which was unacceptable for her because they were under their rule.

"I know that you are unruly but why did you do that?" she asked with a frown in her face.

'Because I'm worried! If he decides to leave then what will happen to us? You are already doubting and are unwilling to accept him, if he leaves then we will lose the chance to convince him and let him know us!' she answered furiously. She was only doing this for both of them.

"But to release that pressure within our territory was not necessary! There were pack members in the pack house!" Amber was also angry. "And who said that I won't accept him? I had time to think about it these past few days and since you were unwilling to talk to me, I was unable to tell you!"

Her wolf fell silent at that. Both of them did not speak for a couple of minutes before her wolf finally spoke, 'I'm sorry. I was not thinking straight and sorry for not talking to you. I was just worried.'

Amber sighed, "Let's work this out, shall we? Both of us are new to this and right now we are being led by our emotions and what we need right now is to calm down and think this through."

They had a long talk with each other and came to a decision to talk to their mate the next day and to apologize to their pack members for what had happened today. For now, they needed to calm themselves in order to do their plan.

Amber had always been the calm one between them while her wolf was in-charge of being the instinct and running wild. Ever since Amber had awakened her wolf, both of them had gone through many arguments which strengthened their bond as both of them grew up. It was an experience that none of them would want to trade and now that they had their mate, they needed to work together to make him accept them.

They had just agreed with each other when the scent of blood traveled through the air and brought the two of them on alert. 'Our mate!' her wolf growled then they disappeared from the study to appear inside the Amber's room.

Xander was gritting his teeth when he felt that someone had entered the room. He looked up but his vision became hazy and he could not see the other person clearly because of the throbbing pain on his arm. He wanted to vomit but what came out was only the water he had drank a while ago. Even his head started to be in pain before he finally lost consciousness but before his body could hit the floor, Amber already caught him in her arms.

She placed him on the bed once again and saw that the white bandage was now stained with blood which made her wolf growl. 'How reckless!' the wolf could not help but exclaim in frustration.

"Shhh, I'll just change the bandage and let one of Dr Silver's assistants to watch him so that this won't happen again." Amber calmed her heart while changing the bandage. After making sure that the bandage was placed properly, she contacted Dr. Silver and told her what had happened.

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