EC 10: In a mess

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Zael took a step back at the aggressive growl and with no other reason to stay he left, "Alright. I'll give you a report after the mess is cleaned up."

Amber heard Zael's footsteps leaving before she returned to where she was lying down. She stayed in that position for some time before and even the smell of food did not sway her. She did not want to be apart from him for a long time and that thought made her growl. She was so confused that all she could do was close her eyes.

Time passed by but even after closing her eyes she was not able to sleep nor rest. Once again, she sighed because she knew that it was caused by the mate bond. Staying with him felt so right that she got a feeling that if ever he would be apart from her then it would make her unsettled. If ever he would not accept her and chose to live in the human world, that would drive her insane.

She suddenly stood up and was stomping around the room followed by growls. She was feeling restless and her aura started to spread around the room and eventually around the pack house. Zael stopped writing followed by a sigh, he then fixed everything on his table before leaving the room. He did not forget to contact all the people in the pack house and told them to leave for the night except for the warriors who were stationed around the house just in case of an emergency.

The Alpha's mood had been unstable the moment she discovered her mate and it is not good for them to be on the receiving end of her fluctuating emotions so he had decided to leave for the night and talk with her in the morning after she had calmed down for a little bit. He took one last look at the pack house for a few seconds before he finally left.


The rescue team had not found any traces of the wolves reported by the survivors nor of Xander who was left in the forest but they could tell that a battle had happened in there. Carl slammed his fist on the car behind him after hearing the news. They had been searching for two days now but still did not find him. Xerra had been crying herself to sleep for the past two nights and now that there was still no news about Xander, he was dreading the moment that he would tell the bad news to her.

"I'll pay no matter the amount, just don't stop searching for him." He looked at the leader of the rescue with a serious look on his face. "I don't care if it takes days or months to find him."

The rescue team's leader had a bitter smile on his face, he knew that in cases like this, there's a low chance that the missing person is still alive. Only a small percentage of them were able to live but in a wolf attack that percentage falls on the negative. "I understand but I want to remind you sir that the chance of finding him alive is very low so please prepare yourselves for the worst-case scenario."

Carl nodded, "I know, it's just a little bit difficult because of his little sister," he clenched his fists, "whether he is alive or dead, I just hope that we can find him soon."

With that another round of searching was commenced and this time they had widened the scope of the search. The people who survived were also hoping for their employer to be found. This incident had also reached Mr. Alvarez who called the mayor regarding the matter.

The sound of car made Xerra jumped out from the bed and ran towards the door. She opened it and waited with expectant eyes but the hopeful smile on her face faded the moment that Carl stepped out with a forced smile on his face. Tears started to fall once again because she already knew what he would tell her.

Carl saw that Xerra had started to cry again and hastily scooped the child in his embrace. "It will be alright. The uncles out there are doing their best to find your brother." He placed her on the bed and wiped her tears before speaking once again, "You need to be strong right now and wait for him to come back."

Xerra slowly nodded and once again embraced Carl. He gently patted the child's back. Carl stood up while still carrying Xerra and sat on one of the couches. He would do everything to find his friend, if he needed to flatten the whole place, he would do it without second thoughts if not for other considerations he would definitely do it.

On the other hand, Mykel received a distressed call from his friend. Arthur Alvarez informed him of what had happened and asked for help to be able to find Xander faster. He could not let the child be in danger for long because he was the son of another friend. After receiving the call and promising him that he would do what he can to help with the search.

Mykel rubbed his head while dialing a familiar number that would connect him to the Ceurian pack. It was Zael who answered the phone, "Mayor, I'm glad that you called because I have something to report."

"Is this about the wolf attack that happened to some humans near the construction site?" he answered. Zael was not surprised that the mayor already knew about it as he felt that the incident was not that simple.

"Yes, they were not regular wolves. Those rogues must have smelled the scent of humans so they tried to attack them. We were able to kill them all and we will add additional patrol near the construction site to avoid this kind of incident from happening again," Zael explained in one breath.

"Thank you but still there is one more thing that concerns me, Mr. Alvarez had told me that the main engineer of the project, Engineer Xander Castillo, had disappeared and until now they could not find him. Another issue we have right now is that the search party will continue to look for him and had widened their scope of search. I'm afraid that they might enter your territory by accident. Have you seen him during your patrol?" Mykel was not that much concern about the wolves because he knew that the pack would take care of it what concerns him more was the disappearance of the engineer.

Zael fell silent at that question as his gaze moved towards the identification cards on his table and the name that was boldly printed on them. He did not know how to explain the situation to the mayor.

Mykel noticed Zael's silence and a terrible thought flashed through his mind. His hand unconsciously tightened around the phone he was holding as he once again spoke, "Did you perhaps saw him? Is he still alive?" He was not comfortable in asking those questions but he needed to know the current situation so that he could be prepared once Mr. Alvarez called again.

"I'm sorry Mayor. I'll let the Alpha explain what had happened because things had gotten complicated on our side. I hope you will understand. I'll let the Alpha call you as soon as possible." Zander brushed his hair and sighed at how everything was turning out but he still patiently waited for the mayor's answer.

He wanted to know but Mykel could not force the other to speak and if the Alpha must be the one to explain, then the matter was not simple. "Then can you tell me, is he still alive?"

"Yes, he is so don't worry." Zael could at least give him this much information as for the other details he would let the Alpha explain it herself.

"Thank you, I'll be waiting for the Alpha's call then." Mykel ended the call before leaning on his chair and staring at the ceiling. Several scenarios flashed in his mind but he dared not speculate too much not until he hears an explanation from the Alpha herself.

After the call, Zael did not waste time to go and look for the Alpha. He just stepped out from his office when he saw the weird expression from the pack members who were passing by. "What happened?" he asked one of them.

"Well, the Alpha seems to be in a bad mood so everyone inside the pack house had been avoiding her office." He answered in a whisper while looking behind at the Alpha's office's direction with caution.

"I understand. You can go," he patted the man and let him leave. He could only shake his head for not understanding the thoughts of their Alpha. She was alright just a while ago and now she was in a bad mood. Was that the effect of finding her mate? He could not help but think. Shouldn't she be happy to have finally found her mate?

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