7 Minutes in Heaven...kinda (!!!NO SMUT!!!)

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Hello dear readers, it's been a while. I apologise for the long wait, I was prioritising studies over wattpad which I hope you can understand LMAO. Anyways I found some time to write this chapter, please enjoy and shoutout to @x_rreii for destroying my notifications with their comments.



"Okay first of all! Does anyone have the guts to go WITHOUT being forced to?" Mizuki asked. Rui was stretching his arm up as far as he could, I think he was even standing up on his knees at some point.
Mizuki pretended to not see Rui (as usual). "hmmm I don't see any hands up" 


"Aww too bad no one raised their hand," Mizuki complained. "Guess we'll have to spin a bottle again!" Rui just stared at Mizuki, his eyes looked like they were going to burst out in flames any moment now.
Ena got an empty bottle of uh... let's just say it was happy juice (no one knows where she gets it from). she carefully placed it in the middle of the circle that everyone was sitting in.
 There was only silence for a bit, there wasn't really a reason to this awkward silence. Not complaining though, it was good getting a moment of silence after a night full of action.

"Okay Rui..," Mizuki broke the silence. "Would you like to take someone voluntarily or spin the bottle?" Never ever, in the history of forever has Mizuki's voice sounded so forced. She's probably trying to be nice to Rui but that sounded very, yeah.

"AW THANKS MIZUKI!" Rui celebrated, going over to Mizuki to hug them, but Ena re-placed herself a bit more in front of Mizuki so he didn't have the chance to. He awkwardly sighed and went back to his spot.

"So?" Ena asked Rui.

"I'll takeeeee" he paused "Tsukasa!"

Wow, oh my god, what a shocker dude!! 
That was sarcastic, if you couldn't tell. Who did you think Rui was gonna take? Nene?! Emu?! Of course not.
"BUT KEEP IT PG OR AT LEAST PG-13 RUI!" Mizuki shouted at Rui while he was walking away into the empty classroom. "yeah yeah got it Mizuki." I swear I could hear his eyes roll while he said that.


And they're back. A smile plastered on Rui's face and Tsukasa was holding onto his pinky finger. None of them said anything. Just silence.
"Has Rui ever been this quiet before?" Ichika whispered to Saki. "I dunno, they're never this quiet when they're hanging out at my place." She replied.

Hmm I wonder what happened...

That was sarcastic, if you couldn't tell, again.

"Hey can I have a go?" A confident voice said. I looked who it was and it was the girl with the waist long black hair and loose star accessories. It was An, yeah An Shiraishi. I've only heard about her through Mizuki but I gotta say, she's got a really nice style.
Also heard that she might be a lesbian? Not that I'm not one myself (I think you know what I mean) but I am slowly starting to think that everyone is some flavour of gay here.
That sounds like I'm talking about ice cream flavours...

Let's get back to the point. 

An ended up taking Kohane. Now I don't know if this was supposed to be obvious or not but a lot of people were smirking. I think I even heard Saki whispering "bingo!!". 
No joke though, I definitely heard a "KOHANE DAISUKII!!" from that empty classroom so I'm assuming that yes, this was destined to happen.

(...7 minutes later...)

They got out of the empty classroom and Kohane is beet red, I swear Ena could've made red paint out of how red her face was. 

"Guys I'm feeling a bit tired, why don't we just hit the hay?" Emu chirped, her head falling onto Nene's lap. Nene got a bit startled at first but she left it afterwards.
Rui stood up, all eyes on him, reached into his pocket, pulled out some hay and hit it.

"Okay now we just all gotta hit it." He jokingly said
Where did he get that hay from and why exactly did he carry it around in his pocket?

50% of us actually laughed and the other 50% laughed very dryly, because yeah it's funny but what the fuck...

"Yeah come on, everyone please contact your parents if you can and tell them that you are staying over, if you want to of course." The pink haired co-host of the party said.

"Honami and I will go see if there are any sleeping bags somewhere around, or even pillows and blankets." Shiho hastily said.  "You never know what you could find in the school SEKAI."
And they were gone, trying to find stuff to let us sleep in.

"I'll probably call my mom and tell her I'm coming home." A soft voice mumbled.

it was silent

dead silent

as everyone saw

that it was Mafuyu who said that

No. She is not going to her devil of a mother, even if she doesn't see it. I won't let her. She won't be safe at home. After Ena, Mizuki and I had a silent collective though, at the same time we all responded to Mafuyu saying.


What are we, monsters? of course me won't let her go back there, especially me.



"okay?." She sighed, adjusting her bangs out of her eyes. "why?"

"Can we not discuss this here Mafuyu?" I suggested to her.
"Yeah, maybe you can discuss it with Kanade in the empty classroom." Mizuki added. I swear I saw a humongous smirk form on her face, which led to a small punch from Ena. "not now Miki!!" she whispered.
I just stared at Mizuki in kind of disgust because that was some wicked timing. Like dude. What if Rui's personality is rubbing onto her? Nah, Ena would never let that happen.

"Hey guys! We're back and we found some pillows and blankets!" Shiho shouted.

"Excellent! Now let's all get into the sleeping mood and- GODAMMIT RUI KEEP IT PG!!"

"YES MA'AM!" He said and put is hand up to his forehead to salute her. Is he finally learning?

We all tried to make our outside clothes as comfortable as possible since no one brought pyjamas. Except for Rui of course because he keeps everything imaginable up his ass. 
Anyways, it'a bed time, I'm lethargic (very sleepy) and need to get my, what Ena calls: "BeAutY sLEep". 

We all chose who to sleep next to, each group kinda just sticking together in their own corner. Oh and guess who got sooooo lucky and is sleeping next to Mafuyu. No it's not that I don't like Mafuyu, I'm gay as hell. It's the fact that sleeping next to her will be humiliating because well. What are we? I don't think the title "just friends" works anymore...

Everyone got into their corners and covered themselves up with the blankets they had received. Ena got up and said:

"Okay good night everyone! Don't stay up for too long though, everyone needs to get their be-"

"Beauty sleep yeah yeah we get it good night!!"

Do I feel pretty awesome for saying that? Yes. Am I ashamed that I am feeling that way? No, cause I AM THE ONE THE ONE (god bless you if you know what song I'm talking about)

Slowly, all the lights turned off, one by one. But after that followed a bunch of blue lights lighting up onto peoples faces because yeah, we don't all actually go sleep when we say so. I don't at least. I scroll on Pinterest like a sane human being.


Okay, my eyelids are starting to fall down uncontrollably. I'll go sleep now.
But suddenly I felt something on me that made me flinch a little bit. An arm wrapping around me...



okay bye bye now it's late, I'm sleepy..

word count: 1283

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