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Hello my engaged readers I am once again bringing you another chapter a bit early because I am feeling very very creative rn. Also FORGET THAT I MIXED UP AMIA AND YUKI IN THE LAST CHAPTER!!!! This chapters song is Paralyzed by Roar btw, you should give it a listen cuz it's amazing ⬆️. Now enjoy the story! :)



"I'm sorry what?" Is what I would have said if Emu didn't run out of the room followed by Nene crying.

Suddenly the tears in Haruka's eyes vanished, it was like all the life in her was sucked out.

"Haruka? Haruka can you hear me?" Minori was panicking to death. Imagine your idol, the person you look up to, your friend and (what Mafuyu said) potential crush suddenly got pregnant. That's some traumatizing shit dude.

Everyone tried to get Haruka to answer them but she was as still as a statue, paralyzed by fear. I feel bad for Haruka but, how do Ena and Mizuki feel, this was their big announcement-sleepover-party.


What do I do? What happened to Haruka, did I grabbed Mizuki's sleeve and gripped on it tightly. Haruka... was assaulted? But we all know she wouldn't let that happen, she would'v-"

"Does anyone know where we can get pregnancy tests nearby?" Shizuku questioned, I wonder how she must feel right now...

No one responded. Airi even started to cry, what the fuck was going on.? Airi is usually super energetic and positive, but now she's just falling apart. This news was breaking everyone's heart. Mafuyu is so godamn lucky that she's asleep right now. 

"I know a vending machine below my apartment that has pregnancy test." Mizuki replied "Me and Ena will go get them." They grabbed my hand and we both exited the SEKAI. In a few seconds we were in their room still holding hands. They opened the door and we quickly left her room then later, their apartment building. We had to be quiet though because her parents were asleep. 

"Haruka is going to be ok, right?" I quivered, squeezing onto her hand.

"I.. I don't know Ena." She said while running to the vending machine that we eventually arrived at.

There we were in front of the vending machine that could completely change the course of Haruka's (and our) life. The glass on the vending machine glass had a streak of light on it and behind that glass were around twenty items with numbers beneath them in red. Mizuki's eyes scattered across the vending machine looking for the pregnancy test. After a few seconds she muttered "sixteen, it's number sixteen." Mizuki then proceeded to press the buttons on the machine, the buttons making a satisfying sound with every click. The machine of course asked for money afterwards.

"You got 1400 yen?" They questioned searching her pockets.

"Oh yeah I do! Here." I reached down into my pocket and pulled out some coins. "That should be enough."

"Thanks" She softly kissed my forehead while counting the coins. "Y'know you're as red as a cherry right now, right?" They giggled. I looked down at the floor out of embarrassment. I mean I do know we're dating now and stuff but it was still pretty embarrassing.

Mizuki and I patiently waited for the pregnancy test to fall down but instead it just stuck in the machine. "GODAMMIT NOT NOW MACHINE." Mizuki barked. "Honey calm down I can just ki-" I was going to say kick but I saw a tear roll down Their pretty face. 

"Woah woah Amia calm down everything's ok" I tried to assure her.

"NOTHING IS OKAY ENA!" she cried. "this wasn't supposed to happen, we were supposed to announce it and have fun together. And not only that, I feel bad as shit for Haruka. I can't imagine becoming a mother at 16."

I couldn't really say anything, she was right, all I could was comfort her. So I wrapped my arm around her as she sobbed. I grabbed her shoulders and pressed my head against hers. "Mizuki I promise you that we'll figure something out. Haruka will also figure something out and if she is pregnant she can still be here with us at the sleepover-party. She'll just have to be more careful." She nodded and we hugged afterwards.

"I don't know what I would do without you Ena." They smiled. Oh that smile of a million stars shone so brightly. We wrapped our arms around each other and just stayed like that smiling for a bit. 

"Me neither Mizuki. I love you." I kissed her. "I love you too Ena." She kissed me back. "Now let me kick this fucking vending machine so we can get the pregnancy test for Haruka" I added. I kicked the vending machine with all I got and stubbed my toe. "OWWWWWW" I hissed in pain. The pregnancy test fell out though so it was worth it. 

Mizuki and I rushed quickly back to her appartment to get back to the others, I wonder what shit they were up to now. Mizuki took my hand and clicked on the file. Soon enough we were in the school SEKAI again. This time Haruka looked a bit better, she wasn't as pale as before but she was still in a paralyzed state.

"Aha there you guys are!" Tsukasa said trying to get some more positivity in the classroom which Saki responded to with "Not now idiot". 

"Well anyways, do you guys have the test?" Kanade questioned with Mafuyu's head on her lap. I swear to god she better confront Mafuyu about what they did, they are so damn in love with each other. 

"Ah yes right here." Mizuki handed it over to Minori who was basically begging Mizuki to hand it over to her. Only seconds later Minori grabbed Haruka by the hand and basically ran to the bathroom with her. Maybe Kanade's prediction did make sense after all.

"So what are we gonna do with the party? I mean Haruka could stay I guess but that's up to you." An asked with a worried face. 

"Well, what do you think Mizuki?"


"Oh uhmm I think she could still hang around, yeah." Haruka must be freaking out right now...

"I also wanted to ask, why did you plan this party in the first place Mizuki-kun?" Rui asked smugly. Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that, pur big announcement. 

"Should we wait for Haruka?" I looked at Ena asking for an answer, quick. "I guess she does have enough big news today.." she muttered. "Okay! Sooo ermmm, Ena and I planned this party to announce that we're dating. But it's not such big news now that Haruka might be pregna-"

"OH MY GOD THATS GREAT YOU GUYS!" Emu cheered. I guess some of her positivity was still left.

"So you did end up getting bitches Mizuki-kun, you owe me some money dude." Rui smirked.

"OH SHUT THE FUCK UP RUI" I exclaimed. That guy is my friend but she is annoying sometimes. We all celebrated Ena and I, Ena was so embarrassed haha. But we were dared to kiss in front of the group to 'prove it' by Rui. I had a shot of vodka or two before that so I was super pissed off at him and grabbed Ena by the collar and kissed her. The look on he face afterwards was so funny. The after a while everyone noticed that Minori and Haruka were back.

"We have the results guys."


Okay that's it for today and who knows if I post again tomorrow. And I kinda felt like this chapter had to be more mizuena so yeah. I hope you guys enjoyed a bit of fluff or angst for 3 different ships. 

Bye bye ;)

Word count: 1275

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