Your Touch

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so i've decided on what im going to write after this story is done. I will be writing a book just full of oneshots. Why oneshots? Because 1. they don't take as long to write 2. I have a life and schoolwork to do other than wattpad.
I'm obv still trying my best w this fic, I just don't have much time. Also no I have no idea what oneshots to do please leave some suggestions (prsk)
anyway back to the yuri

also shoutout to the person who added this fanfic into their reading list called "Gay" (i laughed out loud /srs) and to the people who have been commenting and voting :D

warning for making out and descriptions of it (there will be a warning before it happens) (again, still not smut cause im not writing that stuff yet!!!)



I double checked my bag of things to make sure I had everything I needed. I honestly have no idea how I'm going to take this huge keyboard with me...
Anyway, I think it's about time to text Kanade to tell her that I'm ready to go.


Yuki: Hey K, I'm ready to go.

K: ok got it

Yuki: See you at the entrance of your place?

K: yup

Yuki: Okay see you

K: bye xx

Xx? What did that mean? I should google it.

one googling session later

Did she just, send me virtual kisses?
I couldn't help but blush, my lips could subtly feel the feeling I would get when she's kiss me. Where did she learn to do that?

I shouldn't get carried away, I need to get to her place as fast as possible before I get caught.

I grabbed my bag that had my keyboard sticking out of it and started started to tip-toe out of my room to the front door. I made sure that no one was awake before reaching my hand out to the metal door handle.
I unlocked the door and pressed down on the door handle and pushed the door open

I looked back at my living room, wondering if this really is the last time that I will be in it.

Wondering, if this was the right thing to do.

What am I thinking? Of course it is!
I'll get to live with Kanade and still go to school and do the regular. I wouldn't have to worry so much about parents teacher meetings anymore.

My feet stepped out of the door, one after another.
I quietly closed the door, shutting it very carefully.
My shoes making a noise with every step, echoing in the building.

Eventually, I was on the groundfloor, leaving the building.
It was chilly outside, luckily I had brought my jacket with me.

Actually, how am I even going to convince my parents to

1. let me live at Kanade's house
2. still go to parent teacher meetings

Because realistically, I need their legal permission to do all of those things.

But that's a problem for future me.

Right now, I'm craving cuddles and kisses, that is where my priorities lie.

I was at the last street that leads up to K's place. Excitement and desire rising in me.

I turn around the corner of the street.
I see Kanade waving to me in front of her place.

Before Us (Kanade x Mafuyu)Where stories live. Discover now