"Fucking bullshit"

"He's not an enemy i reassure you Sir"

"I don't need your reassurance" He snapped

"Well stop trying to get into my business, I've told you twice why he's here" You defended.

"Don't talk back" He growled lowly

You kept quiet with an annoyed glare. You felt a grip on your arm before it started pulling you away.

Before you could protest you felt an even harder grip that made you wince, halting your movements.

"Let them go" You heard Jasper say.

"They are my soldier, under my command. You let them go" He said back, tugging on you.

"You call yourself a leader when you try to pry personal information from them?" Jasper said

Every time you tried to speak you were cut off, being tugged between them both continuously.

"Don't question my position lowlife" Ghost growled.

"I'm questioning your abuse towards your position" Jasper snarled.

"Just because they are under your orders does not mean you can manipulate the power of being their leader to get information from them."

"Trust is a key attribute to the team and I can't trust them without knowing the reasons behind your sudden appearance."

"Family. Friends" Jasper said like speaking to a child.

"Yeah, I fucking got that" He snarled.

"Sir you should get back..." You interrupted, finally being heard.

He turned and glared as if you'd just betrayed the whole task force 141. Maybe in some way you had betrayed him, choosing someone else over him.

Ghost seemed like he was far too emotionally unavailable to even consider him hurt. He didn't look hurt, in fact he just looked mad.

You just wanted to deal with Jasper on your own. You were no kid, not needing to be looked after especially by someone else you'd been so annoyed by all your life.

Ghost was right, you were his soldier. You were here on work duty; you would not go. The fact they were barely listening to you made it worse. You were clearly the only one with logical reasoning in these moments.

Ghost dropped your arm with a throaty grunt and a his glare flickered to Jasper. "Soldier I'm disappointed in your choice" He spoke professionally. His posture straining as you caught a glimpse of his fists clenching.

"Apologies sir ... I request some privacy please" you say while looking down at the floor.

"See to it" He mutters with a nod as he walks away.

You turn to Jasper with a mutual face. "Outside, now" You demand. He does as told, raising his hands as if innocent before turning and walking towards the door. Once outside you fold your arms.

"Let me make this clear so I'm not needing to repeat myself to you, understand?" You say.

He nodded simply looking down at you.

"I don't want any letter that my father gave your mother. I don't want to hear or see you or your mother ever again. I'm an adult, i do not need to be cared for, checked in on, or monitored. I can make my own choices without you two tailing me. Just because my father and your mother had a relationship, doesn't mean im going to keep it alive"

"If I may insert something i-"

"You may not."


Ghosts Broken MaskWhere stories live. Discover now