84. Bitches Fool April

Start from the beginning

"Wait! Sinjin has to big jugs of anti-butterfly spray!"

"Yay!" Everyone yelled again

"But i drank them." Sinjin yelled as everyone groaned, and the lobster ran away

"Wait! Im not gonna eat this apple so you guys can all share it!" Andre yelled holding up an apple


"Wait! I just got a text that apples make your hair fall out" Cynthia yelled as everyone groaned

"What's done is done" Sikowitz said eating an apple, looking over missing the lobster getting ran over

"Get ready to match the stars. All right. we're here with our next contestant, Tori Vega!" Sikowitz said into the mic as everyone clapped

"Where are you from, Tori?"

"uh, i live in the Hollywood Hills"

"Wonderful! and are you ready to go for the big money match"

"huh, well ok"

"Good. Now, you know how our game is played."

"uh, yes" Tori nodded "you read a sentence with a missing word, and then i have to fill in the blank."

"Right. And if you match at least one of our panelists' answers, you win $5,000" Sikowitz said as everyone clapped

"Wait, what happens if i dont match the panelist?"

"You'll see"


"And your question is, Dumb Debbie was so dumb.

"How dumb was she?" Beck, Cat, Jade, Robbie, Cynthia, and Robbie, all dressed in different decades, asked

"She was so dumb, she didn't realize that April 1st was Aprils Fools' blank." Sikowitz said as they all opened a marker writing their answer

"I got a good one"


"there it is"

"Okay, Tori. Dumb Debbie was so dumb, she didn't realize April 1st was April Fools'-"

"Day" Tori smiled confident, everyone booed her

"Day?" Sikowitz asked confused chuckling "Day"

"Well, lets see if you match anybody. Andre?"

"Roses are red, storm clouds are gray, Debbie's so dumb, she didn't realize it was April Fools' lobster" he finished as everyone laughed, a lobster came for the back coming over and dropping Tori on the floor as she yelled

"All right now, get up. Jade, what's your answer?" Sikowitz asked looking at her as Tori got up

"Well, i figured she was do dumb, she thought April 1st was April Fools' berry! That's a thing right? April Fools' Berry. That's a thing"

"Oh, you're a thing - a foul beast of a thing" Robbie said as everyone laughed and the lobster came back to attack Tori, and then ran off again

"All right, upsie daises. Robbie"

"yes, yes. What is it, Sikowitz?"

"Dumb Debbie was so dumb, she didn't realize April 1st was April Fools'-"

"Foot" Robbie said flipping his card around and showing everyone

The buzzer went off as everyone booed him "Oh, shut up you people. I was on Broadway!"

"Cat, its your turn"

"Wait, the lobster forgot to push Tori down"

"oh yes!"

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now