First Time Meeting Him/ pt.2

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As promised he came back the next day, and ordered the same thing.

"Do you enjoy traveling a lot," you ask curiously, while wiping the counter down.

"I do enjoy being able to see many places. I'm grateful for that, but I really do miss not being able to relax and stay home," he admits. For the past couple of hours you've learned a lot about him. From his favorite color, to his favorite place he's traveled to.

"Have you traveled anywhere cool?" he asks, while taking a sip of his drink.

"I've been to Greece with school, and I went to Thailand with my mom. They were both very neat places. I really want to go to London, and Paris," you smile.

"All great places," he smiles back. "If you ever come to London call me, and I can show you around."

"Sounds good," you grin at him. Earlier you and him traded phone numbers, and Skype users for when he's at home, or in another country besides USA.

"So.." he trials off, not knowing what to talk about next. You glance over at him, and then back down to the counter.

"So...When do you leave?" you ask cautiously, so you don't sound clingy.

"I leave later tonight, around elevenish," he tilts his head side to side.

"My shift ends at five, maybe we could get dinner or something," you ask, slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah, I'd love that," he grins.

"I have about three hours left, so you can leave or whatever and I'll call you and we can meet up at the restaurant," you suggest.

"Nah, I'll just stay here," he said. You smile, and walk over to the coffee machines. The bell rings and in walks Jim.

"Hi Jim! How are you today?" You smile brightly.

"I'm doing just well, (Y/N). How are you?" he smiles back.

"Him very good, thank you. The usual?" you ask him like always.

"Just how I like it," he says, while handing you a ten. You walk over to the glass pastry container, and grab a cinnamon roll. Then you poor him a mug of coffee.

"Here you go," you smile, and hand him the food and coffee.

"He seems nice," Niall comments as you walk back behind the counter.

"He really is," you smile genuinely.


"I'll have the spaghetti dish,
please," you tell the waiter.

"And I'll have the spaghetti dish as well," Niall says, while closing his menu.

You take a sip of your water and looks around the restaurant. You've been here a couple of times before, it was a little Italian restaurant with amazing food.

"It's nice in here," Niall speaks up. You nod in agreement. You both make small talk, as you wait for your food to arrive.

"This is so good!" Niall says, before taking another bite of spaghetti.

"I know! So is the bread," you say back. He nods, and takes a sip of water.

"Where do you head off next?" You ask him.

"Florida," he says, "Well Miami to be specific."

"I love Florida," you comment, and smile.

"Me too," he smiles back.


"I had a fun time today," he says, while walking to his rental car.

"Me too," you smile back.

"I'll text you when the plane lands," he says smiling

"Okay," you nod your head. He walks over to you and gives you a hug.

"See you soon," He says,
while stepping back.

"Goodbye, Niall."

"But it's not goodbye, (Y/N)," he says, "it's never
goodbye. I will see you soon."

"Okay. See you soon then," You laugh, and wave. You both get into your cars and drive separate ways.


whoops sorry it's horrible. I didn't know what to write about and it's lame I know I'm sorry. GAH. Anywhoo part three will be up sometime and that's maybe the last part I'm not sure where I'm going with this tbh.

Please Vote&Comment! Thank you(:

BUT GUYS I MIGHT GET A NEW PUPPY AND IM SOOO EXCITED! I'm also looking into colleges, I'm so nervous! I'm not ready to grow up. It's all too much for me andjsksjsjsn.


XOXO, Gossip Girl.

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