Long Nights /pt.2

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As requested... Here it is!

It's been a couple of months since you went to your friends party, and Niall happened to be there. It took every inch of you to keep your calm.

Yes, you were proud of him. So so proud. He's in one of the most world known band boys. Who wouldn't be proud? You just can't wrap your head around the fact that he left you.

Your phone buzzes and you pick it up. An unknown number was calling.



You sigh. "Yes, Niall?"

"Can we.. Maybe meet up sometime this week? I'll buy you lunch or something..."

"Why? Niall, why do you want to hang out? You could have found me within the period of those four years. I think that you just didn't want to see me, because you felt bad for leaving. For leaving me there wondering why you broke my heart. I still think about it till this day. I always wonder. Was I not good enough for you? Did you really not love me? You could have told me you were leaving. We could have worked something out. We always did. But now I'm not so sure. Niall I loved you.. I really really loved you."

"(Y/N), I'm still in love with you. You're everything I could ever ask for. You don't know how much I hate myself for leaving you. I knew I should have talked about it with you. And you're right, I could have contacted you. I'm sorry. I knew where you were. I also knew that you got a new boyfriend. That completely broke me, because from then on out I knew that I had lost every bit of you that was left with me. I'm so so so so sorry,(Y/N). I want to work this out."

"I.. Niall.. I can't. I'm sorry." And with that you hung up the phone.


might have a part three. I'm not sure yet. Happy Thursday!

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now