After mere minutes another roar was heard and the scarlet black scaled dragon rose and flew across the Red keep.



Visenya walked to the throne room her arm locked with Aegons.

The kingsguard had informed them of the Black Dragons arrival and that he had asked only for his family.

Visenya and Aegon had spend almost everyday by each others side since the night they had argued. Studying Aegon's vision.

After years of contempt and loneliness they had found some small measure of peace, together.

As they walked inside of the throne room they saw the tall raven haired prince's long black leather coats back. Standing in front of the throne, watching it. Behind him a large box.

"Daemion." Visenya spoke softly as her eyes fell Daemion and gently smiled.

Daemion turned his back. Daemion's eyes darkened. "Grandmother. My king." Daemion spoke calmly but cold. He did not return his grandmothers smile.

"How was the negotiations my boy?" King Aegon asked softly.

"Better than I expected." Daemion answered short and cold. "Princess Deria was kind enough to accept the terms of peace. Thought she had her own terms but lord Martyn Hightower convinced her to settle for peace." Daemion spoke calm.

The  doors were opened. Maegor, Aenys, Alyssa Rhaena, Alysaane, Jaehaerys, Aegon and Viserys entered.

"Son." Maegor spoke. "You look well."

"I am well father." Daemion answered shortly.

"Cousin." Viserys spoke as he smiled and walked to him and shook his forearm. "Viserys." Daemion spoke softer but still hints of coldness could be find in his voice.

Daemion and Rhaena avoided looking at each other. Rhanea squeezed Alysanne's hand, who had been standing next to her.

"Where is lord Martyn?" Prince Aegon asked, his eyes filled with wonder. "He is well I hope."

"All is fine cousin. He will be on his way here. He said he must speak with his council in the Oldtown before heading here." Daemion answered cold.

Maegor's eyebrows when slightly up. Maegor had beloved that Daemion would grab on to the opportunity to visit Ceryse's tomb... something must have happened. Maehor thought to himself.

"I merely flew here faster to offer my congratulations on your betrothal." Daemion spoke in the most unidentifiable emotions. A voice mixed with sarcasm, fury, yet calm and cold.

Daemion looked at Rhaena with a piercing stare. Rhaena looked the other way. This did not go unnoticed.

"Thank you cousin." Aegon spoke softly. And a uncomfortable silence fell in the throne room.

Daemion's hand gripped around Dark Sister so hard, that one could swear the Dark Sister blade was going to melt in the fire of his fury.

Modread roared.

"What is that cousin?" Jaehaerys spoke, taking everyones attention to the box.

"Proof of our alliance." Daemion spoke. "We gifted them the knowledge of Oldtown and a ruby cobra spear..."

Daemion got on one knee behind the box.  "...And to show her good will, princess Deria gave us this." Daemion spoke low and cold. "The remains of late queen Rhaneys."

Another silence fell inside of the throne room. But this one was of pain, relief, love, and broken hearts.

Visenya, Aenys and king Aegon slowly walked and kneeled in front of the box.

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