"Very funny. Seriously though. Anything bothering you?".

"Not really. Just unimportant things", I said.

"Nothing a couple drinks can't fix, right?", he said.

"Dan, it's almost noon. Are you out of your mind?", I laughed at his silly suggestion.

"Hey, it's five o'clock somewhere".

He's very right.. Why the hell not go out?

"Let's go then. Let me get changed quickly", I gave into him. I mean, with his gorgeous brown eyes, who wouldn't.

I quickly ran upstairs to change out of my pajamas and stuck on some jeans and a OneRepublic hoodie. I looked like a bomb went off on me but it's alright, lots of people in bars look like that, I think. I ran back downstairs to Dan who was waiting by the door like a puppy waiting to go for a walk.

"Let's go! I want you to meet someone!", Danny said eagerly.

We scurried out of the flat and hopped in Dan's little car and drove down to the bar in town. He opened the door for me and ordered a round of beers for us when we sat down.

"So, who is it that you want me to meet so badly?", I asked, breaking a silence.

"This lovely girl I hooked up with a while ago. She's so wonderful, I thought you just had to meet her. Keep it quiet though, will you? I don't want to be put in tabloids or anything".

My stomach turned. What the hell? Danny didn't tell me this? I thought he was completely single! He was flirting with me, he pulled that wonderful night out with me off real well. I thought they were signs. I should have known, this is just his nature.

"Alright, i'll keep my mouth shut. Good for you though! Glad you're happy. Looking forward to meeting her!", I said, trying to hide my disappointment with enthusiasm.

Suddenly, a chair was put in the middle of Danny and I and his said 'wonderful' girlfriend sat there, big smile spread across her face and all as she threw herself over Danny.

"Danny! Hi, darling, how are you?", the girl said.

"Grand, grand, yourself?", Dan replied.

"Fabulous, now that I'm with you".

I looked away so I could roll my eyes. What is this, puppy love? She hasn't even noticed the fact that a girl in mid has been in mid conversation with Danny.

"Nina, this is my very close friend Kay. Kay, this is my girlfriend Nina".

"Nice to meet you, Nina", I said, passing myself.

"You too, Kay, sweetie!", she replied. God she is overly bubbly.

Danny smiled at me and put his arm protectively around Nina. I smiled back, however it was very forced. I admit, I'm jealous. Thirty minutes ago we were cuddling. I wish I never agreed to go out. I had a couple drinks and watched Danny and Nina talk. Not once was I brought into a conversation.

"Hey, sorry to butt into your conversation, but I think I'm going to head back to my flat", I said, poking my head between the two lovebirds.

"Awh, Kay, honey, I was just starting to get to know you? Why don't you stay", Nina pleaded.

"I'm tired of being your guys' chaperon", I said and started to make my way to the pub door.

"Kay. I'm sorry, you can't walk home, it's pissing rain out!", Dan said as he grabbed my arm.

"Stop. I don't care".

I stormed out of that pub and hoped to God that my inability to see through the rain wouldn't allow me to walk into the street. I came to my senses and sat underneath a bus shelter, pulling out my phone to dial Angie's number.

"Hiya Kay".

"Angie..Can you come pick me up?".

"Where are you? What's happened?", Ang asked panic stricken.

"Bus shelter next to Temple Bar. I'll explain when I see you".

"On my way". Then she hung up.

I shivered in the pouring rain for about five minutes until I could see her car pull up to the curb. I hopped in her car as fast as I could.

"Talk to me", Angie said after I shut the car door. Then the tears started to pour out of me.

"Went out to the pub with Danny and apparently he has a girlfriend he never told me about, despite the fact that we went out on practically a date and spent the best part of the morning together. She's a prick and not once was I noticed, except when she arrived. Unbelievable", I explained.

"Wow. You went out with Dan?", she said in a surprised voice.

Out of all the shit I just said to her, did 'went out with Danny' only register with her brain? I wish she would just listen to me for once. Maybe i'm just overreacting but it's nice to be heard.

She pulled into the gate of my flat and I thanked her. I slammed the door getting out. Nobody fucking gets it.

I got in dripping in rain, shivering and a bit of snot making its way out of my nose. I dried off and curled up on the sofa with a fluffy duvet and had a bit of a meltdown. After Angie I've got nobody to talk to about this. No parents, no other friends..Nobody.

Then there was a knock on the door..

The Tale of Danny and KayWhere stories live. Discover now