I let Ice fuck me in a restroom. I mean, I don't regret it. It was the best sex I had. Not that I have too much experience. I lost my virginity the 2nd or 3rd time I went out alone. I just wanted to feel something, anything at the time. Since then, every time I went out alone, I had what they called a one-night stand. When I had sex with Ice, it was so intense, much more pleasurable than I thought sex was. Even though it was quick, I can imagine how it would feel when not in a rush. I want him to fuck me again. Thinking about it made me hard, so I took a big drink and touched myself through my pants. I want to get Ice alone in my room, and I want it soon. Or Tay? I wanted him in my room again, but this time fully. I don't even want to think about Kim. That's something I've dreamed about numerous times.

  I started to think about Tay. He left his boyfriend he had for years. Was that because of me? He left him before he betrayed the family. Maybe it's just a coincidence. We spent the whole day together yesterday, and it was the best time I had in months. I put my fingers to my lips, remembering his kisses. I remember his taste, and It continued to get me hard. Twitching restlessly, I wanted to taste him again. My head started to spin as I listened to the day breaking. The birds began to chirp, and the sky started to turn dark blue, mixing the night sky with the first rays of the sun.

I lay down on the grass, looking up into the sky as the last bit of the stars disappeared. I put my hand up, trying to grab one before they were all gone. The motion made my arm begin to ache, and I remember I had gotten shot twice. I puffed on my cigarette. I try to close my eyes, and everything spins, sounding louder, making me nauseous. I open my eyes to see where these annoying tweets are coming from.

   My eyes fall upon a dainty little cage with two birds. That's when I remember Maurizio had gotten these birds for me. " Is this what you wanted?" I shouted to the birds. "Did you plan this from the very beginning? When you pointed to these stupid things, saying they were for me!" I yell at the birds, not caring how crazy I look. "foreshadow? Is that what it's called: " I questioned myself. I pulled out my gun and pointed it at the birds...

" You have my friend. Give him back! I started to cry. " Give him back..." I said in a whisper, Tears down my face. Just one squeeze, I thought to myself. I took another sip and pulled the trigger simultaneously, then again and again. After the 6th, I stopped, and it was silent for a minute, then the chirps started again. Stupid birds don't even know how close to death they came. "CHAY! Are you alright?" I hear and turn to see Tay, Kim, and Ice approaching me, and they seem to be covered in blood

  I sighed, putting my gun away, and looked down at Tay, who had approached me first."Yeah, I'm OK, darling," I said, touching his cheek. I leaned down and gave him a small peck on his lips, then I froze. Shit, Kim and Ice just stared at me. I pulled back "Are you drunk, Chay?" Tay asked, looking disappointed. " maybe a little," I said, putting my arm over his shoulder. Kim walked over to the empty bottle, taking the other out of my hand. 

  " This is what you have been doing this whole time?" Kim asked, "Yeah, so what? At least I'm not covered in blood! What the hell have you all been up to?" I asked furiously. " Torturing those after you and Macau," Ice said, leaning on his crunches with a smile. " Getting information about their plan and where they would have taken you or Macau," Tay says, standing next to Ice." Are you okay, Ice?" He asks, "Yeah, I'm good." He says when did they become friendly, I thought to myself. What caught me off guard was Kim standing next to Tay, putting his arm around Tay's shoulder.

"What the fuck is going on here? " I asked out loud. " You know what they say about people that torture together? They bound together, allowing them to discuss their relationship with a certain young man." I turned to see Vegas and Kinn with sly smiles on their faces. My mind has to be playing tricks on me. I drank too much, and now I'm seeing things. I put my hand to my head, hoping to ease the spinning slightly. I leaned against the table and took a few breaths. I look back at the guys, and I see them taking turns drinking from the bottle Kim took from me. "Ice, you shouldn't be drinking. You injured," I say. " this coming from you, who seems to be wasted with three gunshot wounds," Kim says, getting the bottle back.

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