"Our problems had begun to stockpile harshly, first the Golden Princess' efforts are beginning to be more trouble to us. Not just that, the revitalized King Ramposa the 3rd is also increasing his efforts..... Fucking hell, he's also declared war on us and the nobles that dared to oppose him!"

With a fist that broke the table near him in two, the other members of the Six Arms took a step back, and before they could taste the wrath of the Six Arms' leader, he calmed down.

"Damn, that foreign noble really is clever.... I wonder if we can force him to join us...." He loudly spoke, before a member of the Eight Fingers approached him.

"Boss! That man the nobles requested to capture is here!"

"Good. Pull him in and tie him up by the chair. We'll give him a good and long talk."

With that command, Ragna was pulled into the room and forced down to the chair, before being tied up. Strangely for them, he wasn't even resisting and only complying.

Once he was completely tied on the chair, he gave them a cheeky, toothless smile right towards them and asked: "Oh, good morning. So what do you want from me? Cooperation?"

'He's definitely far more clever than he looks....' Zero realized, as several of his companions even looked at him strangely.

[ ~ Line • Break ~ ]

Ragna stared at the dozen of people staring at him with either disgust, fear, or even interest while he didn't really make any "suspicious" moves.

"Of course, good morning indeed, Sorcerer. We are the Six Arms, the enforcement department of the Eight Fingers. I am the leader of the department, "Battle Demon" Zero! And they are...."

In front of him was an arrogant looking bald man with a scar on one of his eyes, and he had a few tattoos of certain animals on his chest, arms and possibly on the top of his head.

He was introducing himself and his colleagues.

The second he introduced was a tanned woman in clothing reminiscent of Middle Eastern dancers, and a few schmitars floated around her, looking smug as she struck a pose as deadly as a beautiful flower..... that hasn't fully bloomed. Her name is Edström, and she is called the Dancing Schmitar.

The next to be introduced was a man named Malmvist, the Thousand Kills. He is a red haired man in a flashy matador outfit, holding a rapier which Ragna doesn't recognize in YGGDRASIL. He posed rather nonchalantly and could be a great drinking partner, now that Ragna no longer had an augmented body.

The next was Succulent, a hooded man who at least looked more like a trickster than a fighter. He looked practically insignificant.

Peshurian, Spatial Slash. Looks like a fad with his whip-like sword under Ragna's [Eye of Mystic Wisdom], causing him to just be unimpressed.

And the Sixth was the self-proclaimed Undead King, Davernoch, who was not even an Elder Lich by the look of it. And honestly in the end, he looked more like a Level 30 Dungeon boss.

Now that the introduction was all done, several nobles stood on the side, discussing about what might happen soon. Even something that would never succeed like Ragna being tortured.

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