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Our maths teacher was standing in the board teaching something that I already knew. I started to feel bored and I took out my diary that I usually write my poems in. I started writing a poem about "Dead end love

Long time past now
Saying nothing
Walking hand in hand

When you shine
And look
And take
Your leave
It doesn't
Mean you
Need me

( credit to the writer- D Dawson)

I finished writing and I became bored once a again

"Taehyung can you please come and solve this problem" Mrs Kang said and I gave her a  are you serious face

Out of 36 people in our class she chose me. I looked around and saw everyone looking at me. I hated attention more than anything

I stood up and went to the board and I solved it in less than a minutes..
"Nice job Taehyung keep it up" she said with a smile than I returned back.

"Haha nerd" A deep voice said and I already knew who it was. "Mr Jeon be nice" Mrs Kang said in a strict voice and Jungkook ignored her and continued laughing with his friends. "Ignore him, he just wants attention" she said and I nodded my head.

I walked back to my desk and when was walking to it I tripped on something, actually jungkook's feet. I fell on the ground and the whole class started laughing. I wanted to cry on the spot but I was able to control myself. I looked at Jungkook and I saw him laughing and I ignored him and went to sit down.

I layed my head down on my desk and I started crying. "Such a wimp" I heard jungkook's voice and the whole class laughed again and I cried even more.

I didn't understand why he hated me so much. I never done anything to him but he just hated me ever since he first saw me. But my stupid ass started crushing him and I hated myself for that.

I mean I was definitely not his type, he hated me and I don't know if he is gay or not. But still I loved that guy I knew there was a reason behind his rude behavior.

The bell rang and it was lunch time I went to the cafeteria, I went and sat on the table I usually sit on with Jhope hyung and Jimin hyung.



The bell rang and everyone in the class left. I was about to leave but I forgot something, I went back in the class and I got the thing but when I was about to leave but I stepped on the diary. It was written Kim Taehyung.

I picked it up and I tried to remember who Kim Taehyung was. " oh its the nerd guy" I thought to myself. I was about to open it but I heard a voice. " Kook let's go already". I hurriedly putted it in my bag and went off to the cafeteria..

I and sat on the table Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin hyung were sitting. "Hello hyungs" I said sitting down on the table. "Hello Kook" they all said.

We ate in silence and I couldn't help but notice this Taehyung guy. For the first time I found him really cute

Shut tf up Jungkook you're not gay. I think..

"Jungkook what are you thinking" I heard Namjoon hyung's voice and I flinched. " you have been looking at that Taehyung guy for over  2 minutes" Yoongi hyung said in his cold usual voice. " No I was not" I said. " you were!" They all said

"Uhm anyway guys my parents are not home tonight so wanna hang out at my house"
" Sure why not " they all said

" Okay bye. Catch you after school" I said before leaving them and I went to history class..

I was the first one to arrive there and waited for all the others to arrive..I saw Taehyung get inside and a little smile formed on my face.


Lost Diary {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now