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You quietly open the doors to the Wansheng Funeral Parlor, slipping inside without a sound. It's after hours, actually it's an ungoldy hour of the night, but this is where you were to meet your old friend. Your footsteps are noiseless on the wooden floor as you walk along the hall, looking for the door that would lead you to him.

Consultant read the nameplate on the second to last door in the hall. You come to a stop and raise your fist, but before you can knock a deep but gentle voice calls out "Come in." You may be an Adeptus, but you'd never be able to sneak up on him. Stepping inside and closing the door behind you, you look into the face of the Archon you hadn't seen in over a century.

"Y/n," Morax, or as he signed his letter to you, Zhongli says with a smile. "It's been a long time. Please, have a seat." He gestures to the empty chair across from his desk.

You graciously bow to the Archon before sinking into the chair. "So...." you start, wanting to get your most pressing question out of the way. "I'm really confused as to what I should call you." You tilt your head to the side as you study him. 

He chuckles before answering. "Rex Lapis is what the people of Liyue call me now, however if we are together in public, I ask that you refer to me as Zhongli. But whatever name you prefer to use is fine by me." 

You mull his words over for a minute before answering. "I prefer Morax, I always have. But to avoid any potential slip-ups, I'll use your modern name. Zhongli does have a nice ring to it." 

He lets out another small laugh. "So be it." He stands and opens a cupboard on the wall behind him. "Care for a drink?" He asks as he pulls a bottle out of the shadows. You smile as the faint light hits the amber liquid encased in the glass. 

"I'll always say yes to a glass of Osmanthus wine." You tell him. Smiling, he sits two glasses on his desk and slowly fills each one. He hands you a glass, yet you wait till he lifts his to his lips before taking a sip of yours. "Mmmm," you hum softly. "Tastes the same as I remember..." The last time you enjoyed this liquor you were also enjoying the company of the Archon. Back then, you had more companions to drink with, but most of those companions have since passed.

Zhongli smiles softly down at his glass. "But where are those who share the memories..." He whispers softly. You know the words aren't meant for you, they're more a moment of self reflection, so you stay quiet. Finally, his golden eyes raise to yours. "It has been quite a long time, hasn't it?" He asks you softly. 

"It has." You respond as you take another sip of the wine. "We've each gone through a lot since the last time we saw each other." You think back on your own recent dark history and shudder. You can only imagine the things that Zhongli has gone through since you last saw him. 

The two of you sit in silence as the clock hanging on the wall chimes midnight. 

Finally, you speak up. "There must be a reason you've summoned me, Zhongli. Other than to drink with you, I mean." You swirl the contents of your glass, letting the scents of the wine dance around the room as you stare at the being across from you. Adepti in human forms don't age unless they choose to, you know that from experience, but you can't help marveling at how little the brown haired man has changed. His formal posture, his kind mannerisms, the smooth way he speaks. All of it has been unchanged by the years. He is still the same man you remember.

"You are correct, dear y/n," he says, smiling across at you. "I was actually wondering if you would consider making a contract with me?" He asks. 

"Ahh... I haven't heard those words in quite a long time." You muse. The last time you signed a contract with Morax was over one hundred and fifty years ago. While it was advantageous for the both of you, you knew entering into a binding arrangement with the Archon of Contracts was no minor undertaking. 

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