Kaveh-No Matter What

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"I don't want to hurt you," he whispers, gently stroking your hair. "I just want to be with you forever." Kaveh gave you a soft kiss on the temple before getting up from the bed. "I'll be back in a little while to check on you, darling, so please don't fret." He pauses before pulling the door closed. "Oh, and don't bother screaming for Alhaitham, he won't be able to hear you."

You hear the lock in the door slide home, and your heart rate spikes, pulse thundering in your ears. You stumble off the bed in a daze, the heavy chain keeping you tethered to the bedframe dragging across the floor behind you as you check the limits of its length. It's long enough that you can easily reach the small sitting area and the private bath. But Kaveh has his room laid out in just the right way so that you can't reach the door, no matter how much you stretch. Heavy drapes cover the only window in the room, which is also just out of your reach.

You drop to your knees with a wail as the last eighteen hours run through your mind. You recount every little detail that led to you being chained against your will in Kaveh's bedroom, wondering if there was anything you could have done to prevent it.


It had been a while since you last came home to Sumeru. After graduating from the Akademiya, you spent quite a few years traveling all over Teyvat studying what types of flora grow in each region. Everything you learned had been diligently recorded into not only foraging guides, but also resources to help teach the people of Teyvat how to live in tandem with nature. Now as a celebrated Ecologist, you were ready to return home for a break.

You walked through the familiar streets of your home city, being greeted by everyone you came across; old classmates, past colleagues, and strangers alike all stopped you to say how much they enjoyed your works and to welcome you home. Even when you were relaxing in the Razen Gardens, your favorite place in Sumeru City, you weren't ever alone. Every few minutes someone would come up to talk to you about your books. But you didn't mind, you enjoyed sharing your knowledge with anyone who wanted to learn. One of those people ended up being Kaveh, a former classmate of yours. Even though you studied in different parts of the Akademyia, the two of you had developed a close friendship while there.

He sat beside you in a gazebo, listening, enraptured by your descriptions of the different forgeable plants that helped you survive while living in solitude in Liyue. "Fascinating!" He exclaimed. "I knew the world was bountiful, but I would have never imagined it would be so easy to completely survive off the land!"

"The earth will always provide exactly what we need to live, so long as we aren't too greedy," you tell him with a smile.

He tosses his head back and laughs, the same full bodied laugh he had during school, shoulders shaking and hair glistening in the sun. "That's the problem though, isn't it? We're just too greedy and will always take more than what we need."

"That's what I'm trying to change. I want to help people relearn how to work with what the world gifts us."

"Admirable, as always," Kaveh says with a smile. After a few moments of silence as the two of you stare out through the gardens, Kaveh turns back to you with a grin. "Say, y/n, what do you say to going to dinner with me this evening?"

"I'd love that, Kaveh," you tell him, smiling. A nice and quiet dinner with an old friend would be the perfect way to end your first night home.

"Wonderful! How about you meet me at Lambad's Tavern later? I have a few errands to run first, but I'll meet you there!"

You agree to get a table and wait for him to arrive before he heads off. You wander the gardens for a few hours before making your way to the tavern, going in and finding a small table for you and Kaveh. You order a drink to sip while you wait for him. You're staring out a window, lost in your thoughts, when the sound of the chair moving across from you startles you. You turn to smile at Kaveh but are surprised to see it's not him. The man sitting across from you is a complete stranger.

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