Diluc-All Along

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"No, no, please hang on, y/n!" Diluc pleaded, holding you close as he ran away from the ambush. Your head lulled limply to the side and his strong but gentle hand pulled it back against his chest. You could hear him panting and his heart thudding behind his ribs as he jumped and dodged attacks, no longer focused on fighting the Abyss Order. He needed to get you to safety, and fast. He knew better than to take you along with him, but you just kept nagging and nagging so he finally gave in. He regrets it so much now.

He breaks free of the frenzy and is able to run full force until he's out of sight of the mages the two of you had been fighting. He slows to a jog, but keeps a steady pace heading in the direction of Mondstadt. The entire time, he's swearing under his breath. Cursing both the Abyss Order and himself for being the reason that you are now broken and bleeding in his arms.He's sliding down an embankment, the city now within sight, when you reach up and touch his face. "Diluc, stop..." You whimper. The pain in your chest is almost unbearable. If he would just stop for a minute and let you rest, you think you'd be fine. His pace slows more, but he still doesn't stop.

"Just hang in there, we're almost back to the city. Just a little bit further." He keeps muttering reassurances to you as he hurries along, trying to get you back to Mondstadt. You stare up at him through your blurry vision, taking in his crimson hair and amber eyes. His normally stoic expression is strained with worry. The lapel of his jacket is rubbing against your cheek as he slips into a forest and skirts around trees. You turn your face more into his chest and take a painful breath, filling your lungs with his scent.

"Diluc, please... Stop..." You beg him. When he looks down at you, his face blanches and he finally comes to a stop next to a moss covered boulder. Gently, he eases you out of his arms and props you against the stone. With a shaking hand, he reaches over and wipes sweat and blood off of your face.

"Please, y/n. If we keep moving, I can get you to the Cathedral for Barbara to help you." He sounds panicked and desperate as he gently takes your hand in his. He can see you slipping away, and the longer he lets you sit in the forest, the less of a chance he has of saving you.

"I just want to rest for a bit..." You breathe out, turning your face towards the trees above you. "It sure is a beautiful day..."

Diluc also turns his gaze upwards, looking at the dark underside of the branches and leaves. The sky, the same color grey as the city walls, peeking through the green. "I suppose it is." He mutters, before looking back to you. His heart leaps when he sees your eyes closed. "Y/n! Y/n, don't go to sleep now!"

"Mmmm not, jus' resting my eyes..." You tell him as you force your eyes open, looking at him once again. A smile tugs at your lips when you see how close he's leaning to you. "Hey Diluc?"

"Yeah, y/n?"

"Can you do something for me?" You ask him.

"Anything." He replies, earnestly.

"Can you kiss me?"

Before you can see the tears forming in his eyes, he leans down and presses a soft and passionate kiss to your lips. You weakly move your mouth against his, enjoying the feeling of his lips finally on yours. It seems that they hold the answer you've been trying to find for a long time now. As he continues to kiss you he gently caresses your face. You can tell the moment his tears break free not just because you can feel them against your cheeks, but because his kiss becomes sloppy and desperate. It's as if he's the only thing keeping you tethered to the mortal realm.He pulls away after a few minutes and you smile at him through half closed eyes. "I thought so..." You mumble.

Confused, he cocks his head to the side. "What?"

Your smile spreads as you feel your own tears stream down your cheeks, mixing with his. "I love you Diluc." You say, coughing.

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