Diluc-Darknight Hero

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Stories of Mondstadts "Darknight Hero" have been circulating the city like wildfire. It seemed like everyone and their cousin had some kind of sighting or interaction with the supposed vigilante; even if it was nothing more than "I saw a shadow disappearing down an alley the other night, it must have been the Darknight Hero!" Other encounters were wildly outlandish and really made you wonder how credible the stories were. It was beginning to seem like you were the only person within the cities walls who had yet to encounter the vigilante of the night.

And that was really starting to grate on your nerves.

If it wasn't for the Abyss Order personally reaching out to you for help in eradicating the supposed Darknight Hero, you wouldn't have believed the legend. You knew how the rumor mill in the city worked, it was how you got most of your information to report back to your superiors. But the Darknight Hero was slippery. Impossible for you to pin down. It was like trying to catch a shadow. But you would find him if it was the last thing you did. The Abyss made you an offer that you couldn't refuse.

You slam your pint glass down on the bar in Angel's Share and let out a frustrated groan. Diluc was tending bar that evening, and he looked over at you with a quirked brow. "Something bothering you, y/n?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. He walks over to you and gently pulls the glass out of your hand before turning and refilling it. He always did that for you when he noticed you were stressed, free refills on the house. You always told him he didn't have to, but he insisted.

Diluc was always like that with you. Constantly worrying about you. Constantly taking care of you. You joked around and called him a mother hen, but you really didn't mind. Actually, you enjoyed it. You weren't at all ashamed to admit you liked his attention. You couldn't figure out if his affection was anything more than platonic and you were afraid to ask. You were attracted to him, how couldn't you be, but you knew that one day you would have to leave Mondstadt. Leaving Diluc behind as friend would be hard enough, you didn't want the heartache of having to leave him behind as a partner.

"I'm tired of hearing all these stories about that stupid Darknight Hero!" You exclaim as he turns back to you with your drink. "That's all anyone talks about, and it's driving me crazy!" You look at your handsome friend over the rim of your glass while you take a long drink. Being the owner of both the winery and the tavern, you're sure he's heard his fair share of stories. "What do you think, Diluc?"

"Hm? About the Darknight Hero?" He leans against the bar across from you and ponders for a moment before answering. "I don't hold much merit to it. I think they are tall tales and nothing more."

You purse your lips and take another drink. You should have expected that the stoic redhead would give you an answer like that. So much for getting good gossip from Diluc, you think. But I'm tired of chasing around rumors and whispers. Maybe its time to try and draw him out again myself. You had attempted to lure the Darknight Hero into an ambush on multiple occasions, but it had yet to work. But you wouldn't give up. You wouldn't rest until you had the Darknight Hero in your grasp, slowly snuffing out his life. You wouldn't stop until you got what the Abyss owed you.

So you started spreading seeds. A rumor here. A dropped note there. You slowly weaved a fictional narrative that the Abyss was growing increasingly active in Wolvendom, plotting something. You sprinkled in some speculation that several Lectors were spotted in the area. Supposedly they were even kidnapping people and performing some type of strange ritual on them. If that didn't draw out the vigilante, you didn't know what would. The rumors within the city walls spread and grew, taking hold like an invasive weed. The panic in the city was palpable. The Darknight Hero would have no choice but to act.

Finally, the day came. The day of the supposed gathering of the Abyss Order in Wolvendom. You could barely contain your excitement. This has to work.... It HAS to! You think to yourself as you prepare. Just after sunset, you draw the curtains to block the view of any potential prying eyes. You're in the study of your house, the family home you inherited after your parents tragically "passed away" while traveling in Snezhnaya. A huge memorial service was held for them, to honor "the two upstanding citizens of Mondstadt". The city mourned but you did not, because you knew they just went home.

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