Diana's feminist side was screaming in anger, but the rational side of her understood Charles meant no harm. He just wanted to help, make people see they can't harass someone he cares about.

"What do you mean by more hate accounts?" Charles looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

Diana wanted to slap herself for spilling more than she should. Charles had no idea about the account until now, but there was no way she's going to get away with it without showing him this Twitter profile.

"There's only one that I know of, again, nothing serious. But after that post there could be more" Diana was extremely tired, so without Charles even asking she opened Twitter and searched for the profile's username.

He was scrolling through the Tweets for a good 10 minutes, making comments on each of them. As the time passed the anger he felt turned into sadness.

"This is awful" Charles sighed. "I'm sorry you go through this because of me, you don't deserve it"

The Monégasque kissed Diana's forehead and hugged her tightly. His arms wrapped around her like the coziest blanket, the smell of his perfume filled her nostrils making her feel like nothing in this world could worry her at the moment.

"I've been called worse, it's okay. Can I go to sleep now? Five more minutes and I'll fall asleep sitting"

"Of course. Sleep well, Di"

By the time they both woke up, there was a full blown storm on social media regarding Charles' night post. Not only on Twitter, but everywhere. Various news sites made articles about it, saying how people online feel like there's no consequence of their actions and words, feeling anonymous behind the screen can show the worst of a human.

Also, the fans. They were furious. And, surprisingly, went for blood. Many of them wished the author of the texts all kinds of bad things which is not what Charles wanted to achieve. He wanted to spread awareness of what it's like to be in the public's eye, having to deal with hate on a daily basis, and what can a spiteful person do to get under someone's skin. Not to publicly stone the person who did that, but it seemed that the fans were overprotective, crossing the line themselves.

The sun peeking through the curtains shined directly into Charles' face, waking him up. It was already 10 in the morning, but Diana was still sound asleep on his chest with her leg and arm wrapped around him. He kissed her head and tried to slowly break free from her embrace without waking her up. Unsuccessfully.

"What time is it?" Diana asked with a sleepy voice, rubbing her eyes with the palms of her hands.

"Shh, go back to sleep" Charles said without answering her question, covering her with the duvet so she wouldn't get cold.

He headed to the bathroom and regretted not taking a change of clothes with him. He placed himself on the toilet and began to look at all the responses his post had gotten. When he saw all the hatred towards the author of the texts, he decided to post another one, reminding people to treat each other the way they would want to be treated, that wishing someone bad things is never an answer and not to victimize Diana because it's not her fault.

In the meantime, Diana got out of bed and once again cursed herself for wearing Louboutin to the event. Her feet were covered in blisters and scabs, making it hard to walk. The coldness of the floor eased her pain a little, so she skipped socks while putting clothes on. Her phone vibrated next to the bed.

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