°Waiting For Phase Four°

Start from the beginning

Wanderer turned to her after hearing a small 'ugh...' from Nahida. He blinked at seeing her scrunched expression. He had, never seen look so disgusted before. Just what was she dreaming about...?


36 hours passed, Nahida would often wake up with a small frown, and fall back asleep after learning the phase wasn't over yet. By now, twenty-two contestants had passed.

But, their group of four weren't among those twenty-two clears. Wanderer kept his eyes closed, his finger tabbing impatiently agaisnt his arm as he waited. And waited, but none of them had arrived yet.

Did they, die? No, there's no way. Wanderer scoffed and shaked his head, trying to erase his... Attention for them. He opened his eyes and stared straight ahead at the wall meters away from him.

But that wasn't an invitation for a creepy clown to join him. Hisoka sat in front of him with his usual, creepy grin.

"Hey there~ Mind playing a card game with me?"


Rejected outright. Hisoka pouted, he resembled an annoying child, before smirking like usual. He took a deck of cards out, and showed it to Wanderer.

"How about this?"

His other hand covered the deck, hiding it from view, and when he slid his hand to the left, a row of cards appeared where the closed deck was. He stretched the cards out between his hands.

"Let's play a game, we'll bet on whether the other has a heart, or spade card. Whoever gueses right, gets to ask the other a question."

Wanderer huffed, he wasn't about to play another truth or lie game. And he isn't interested in Hisoka, or anything about him. He lowered his hat and gave the same answer.

"No. Get lost already."

Two cards were placed on the ground in front of him, one closer to himself and the other nearer Hisoka. The clown used a finger to slide the card meant for Wanderer, further towards him.

"I want to play a small game with you."

Wanderer didnt respond, then a pale hand gently hit the roof of his hat, bringing up and revealing his narrowed, indigo eyes. The clear frown in his expression, made Hisoka smile wide.

Hisoka felt his eyes turn upwards, like two crescent moons. He looked so fucking creepy and disturbing, Wanderer felt the corner of his lips pull up before he slapped the foreign hand away from him.

The sudden movement wasn't enough to wake Nahida up, but she did frown. Wanderer gently placed his hand above her hair and imitated the touch Nahida had used on him. Soothing her to sleep once more.

"For the last time. Fuck off."

Hisoka rested his cheek above his palm, keeping his smirk while observing Wanderer.

"I don't think I will. For I am very interested in you. Little doll."

What kind of nickname is that!? Wanderer bared his teeth at the clown.

"Don't fucking call me that."

Hisoka tapped the back of his card with a his nail.

"One game, then I'll leave you alone."

Wasn't that a tempting offer? Wanderer 'tched' and crossed his arms.

"Fine. One. Then you leave me alone."

He glared up at Hisoka.


The clown hummed.

Nahida And Wanderer In HXHWhere stories live. Discover now