Even if she likes Hill, she still doesn't want to get married. Can't be so fast? And, most importantly, she doesn't want to have a baby so early! Pearly smiled helplessly and said: "You are really different from the females here."

  Tan Xiaoshi smiled, put down the already strong tiger cub, and said half-jokingly: "Maybe I should be a male. "Pearly was startled by her words, and then the two of them laughed together.


Chapter 68: I like you too

         When sending Pearly off, Tan Xiaoshi also took a walk outside. She hadn't left the yard for several days. Hill is not at home, he should have gone to find food for Tan Xiaoshi again.

  There was a light snowfall yesterday, and the temperature dropped a bit, but generally speaking, the coldest season was over, and it was estimated that Locke would be able to wake up in another month or two.

  Tan Xiaoshi was walking alone in the forest of the tribe. There were many withered grasses in the forest, which were tall enough to hide people.

  "Why should Hill stop us? He is just one of the suitors. He has been with the female for so long without getting married. I think the female probably doesn't like him!" Behind the grass, a male said angrily. The voice sounded.

  "Yes, he is just as sentimental as his father!" Another voice echoed. After that, they said something else, but Tan Xiaoshi didn't pay attention. Her mind was on those two sentences. Then Tan Xiaoshi heard the orc's footsteps walking farther and farther until they disappeared.

  Tan Xiaoshi stood behind the withered grass. When she thought of what the two males had just said, she felt very uncomfortable. She did not expect that Hill would be so aggrieved by her not marrying him, nor did she expect that this would be a reason for others to attack Hill.

  Also, what happened to Hill's father? Hill never mentioned his father and mother to himself. Thinking about it, Tan Xiaoshi kicked the snow on the ground and walked home. Hill has returned and is making dinner.

  Tan Xiaoshi walked forward and saw the wounds on his body from a distance. "Fighting again?"

  Hill turned his head, smiled at her, said nothing, and continued to make dinner. It's normal for Hill to fight, but Hill's mood today is very abnormal.

  Although Hill's mood seemed calm today, she could see a hint of sadness in his eyes. In the past, Hill had always been transparent in front of her.

  He is happy when he is happy, and unhappy when he is unhappy, but now, he is trying his best to hide his emotions.

  Tan Xiaoshi felt a pain in her heart. She suppressed the soreness in her throat, took Hill's arm and said, "Hill, do you like me?"

  Hill was startled, and his eyes were filled with brilliance for a moment. , but the light inside dimmed again. After a moment, he nodded slowly.

  He knows that not all partners can be loved by females, but he likes Tan Xiaoshi very much, so he really hopes that Tan Xiaoshi also likes him a little bit. Tan Xiaoshi smiled and said word by word: "What a coincidence, I like you too."

  Hill seemed a little unresponsive, his eyes were still depressed for a moment, and then, he seemed to come to his senses, The light in his eyes expanded little by little.

  He threw away the spoon in his hand, held Tan Xiaoshi's shoulders in disbelief, and said tremblingly: "What did you just say, can you say it again?"

  Tan Xiaoshi was a little hurt when Hill grabbed her, but she didn't say anything. She still smiled and said, "I like you."

  Hill's mouth opened little by little, and then he picked up Tan Xiaoshi and turned around. Several laps.

  Tan Xiaoshi held Hill's arm and said with a smile: "Put me down, I will be knocked unconscious by you."

  Upon hearing this, Hill did not dare to spin anymore, he put Tan Xiaoshi down, and then A pair of eyes looked at Tan Xiaoshi with great energy.


Chapter 69: Can I touch it?

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