Cynical Skin ; Muke/Cashton [sold]

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[oh look heres one that everybody's done but idgaf]

Here we've got exhibit "A" he, he ain't okay today.❞

He's never okay, he's always trying to pull off a happy aura even in the worst of times -- but some days he can't hide how broken he is with his big smiles and bigger jumpers. He apologizes too much, even if he's done nothing wrong at all. Most of the time he has a big smile on his face and laughs loudly but if you look at him when nobody's paying attention he has his eyes closed and a hand around his wrist to keep from breaking down.

Then to the left of me we've got exhibit "B" oh he's a mess to say the least.❞

He may be a rich kid asshole, but what people don't know is what happens behind closed doors at him, when the doors are locked and his dads had enough. He owns makeup to hide the bruises that litter his skin, and tries to mask it by speaking rudely to others. Nobody gets why he has to change in the other room or why nobody's allowed at his house.

In front of me we've got exhibit "C" anorexic, obsessed with magazines.❞

He was raised thinking he wasn't good enough, he ate too many snacks and didn't exercise enough. They told him he needed to lose some weight if he wanted to be the perfect son, he needed to look like a ken doll to be accepted. He often gets lightheaded and passes out from the lack of eating, but nobody knows that.

And when we look over here, oh my god that's me in the mirror, no no no ladies and gentlemen this is my fear.❞

He often sees himself as ugly, that's all he is and that's why he hides in the shadows and remains silent. He doesn't want people to see him and get sick or hear him and laugh, so he just stays away and doesn't talk. He's really his own biggest fear because he knows how insane his mind can get after what he did to his brother.

[this is another one I almost wrote but yanno]
[it could be ot4, bc like I'm such ot4 trash, then again I'm also Muke trash so]
[its based off of cynical skin by get scared bc babes]

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