Ch.22 - Life Goes On

Start from the beginning

Zatanna proceeded to tell Cyborg of Y/N's origins. His involvement with Trigon. His destruction of several planets and galaxies. His sultry and brutal brainwashing tactics. All the things that Cyborg did not want to be heard in the presence of his dying leader.

"Hold on..." Cyborg interjected. "My friend Raven had an incident where she almost killed Y/N's using her demonic magic. How was her power able to outbalance his?"

"That's the part that you aren't going to enjoy hearing..." Batman said, breaking out of his brooding trance.

Zatanna sighed before she spoke, "Years ago, before Raven was born, a rite known as the 'Bride Of Trigon was conducted, and Raven's mother was selected to be Trigon's bride'. But Trigon could only make his way to the physical realm through Y/N, so he appeared in his place once the ritual was conducted."

Cyborg took quick glances at Robin's heart-rate monitor as Zatanna spoke.

"To cut a long story short, Y/N seduced Raven's mother in a way that only he could do, and it was then that Trigon was initiated to Earth through Y/N, and conceived with Raven's mother."

Cyborg asked the only question that was clear in his mind, "Trigon is Raven's father?"


"But, I don't understand. How does this relate to Y/N's attack on Robin, or Raven's attack on Y/N?" He queried.

"The magic that flows through Y/N is the same magic that flows through Raven. They have a star-crossed bond. It was unclear what happened to Y/N after Raven was conceived, but my guess is that his power is fading. "

Batman interjected, "And power to Trigon's caliber is the only power in the universe that is able to harm him."

"So that's why he looked so scared..." Cybor thought for a moment, "But how do you guys know all this? How did you know that this happened?"

"I'm a sorceress, Cyborg. After Robin's attack, I felt a demonic surge of energy shoot through my heart. Any sorceress on planet Earth would have felt it too. Demon magic is the most powerful magic there is. Besides, there are records of him in the most sacred and oldest recounts of the Universes history."

"We were unable to locate him until now. At least the last traces of him," Batman said.

"But, the past few weeks we've known him, he's been... fine. He's helped us catch villains, for crying out loud." Cyborg exclaimed.

"It's all part of his plan, Cyborg. He's done this throughout history. He'll deceive you, and eventually kill you, and take Raven as his prize, handing her to Trigon so he can consume her demon soul."

Batman placed his hand on Cyborg's shoulder, "Cyborg, for the past few weeks, you have been living under the same roof as the most dangerous tyrant ever to roam the universe."

• • • • • • • •

Y/N awoke in a soft, moist bed of snow, under a pitch-black moonless sky.

"My head..." 

As he slowly woke to his senses, he clutched his head in pain. He felt as if he'd been knocked in the head with a cauldron.

He stood to his feet, and took in his surroundings.

"Where am I?"

Surrounding the snowy island which he stood on, was a gushing river, flowing through a city that time had abused, and looked to not have been maintained in years.

Surrounding the snowy island which he stood on, was a gushing river, flowing through a city that time had abused, and looked to not have been maintained in years

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