Ch.1 - Just, Maybe...

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"I can still feel it." It was still there.

He looked down at his forearm, laying on his poor excuse for a bed.

The amalgamation of scar tissue on his wrists served as a photo album of his life. He stared down at his left arm, grasping it with his opposing hand.

"I can still feel the pain."

The thousands of attempts at freedom remained eternally present on his body, as a reminder of who he had become.

As the days went by, the trauma grew stronger. The trauma in both his mind, and his body. Being isolated in this prison cell only gave him more time to watch his past creep up on him like those dumb dad jokes at Grandma's funeral.

No distractions, just trauma.

Such a simple blank slate of a room, yet it evoked such a horrible journey through the mind. All that love, all that power, all that appreciation, lost to time.

If he was honest, Y/N (Your Name) would much rather stay here than see the face of another innocent soul for the rest of his long, long, life.

He stared down at his forearm, the shards of his broken mirror in his peripheral vision. "Maybe, I could try again..."

Suddenly, the ground beneath him began to shake. The remnants of his broken mirror fell from the wall, shattering on impact.

"An earthquake in Jump City?". He rose from his bed.

"Is the world ending? Jeez, it's about time."

Then, with no warning, a 10-foot-tall man made entirely comprised of bricks came smashing through his cell wall, before proceeding to smash his way through the cells of the other prisoners.

Then, with no warning, a 10-foot-tall man made entirely comprised of bricks came smashing through his cell wall, before proceeding to smash his way through the cells of the other prisoners

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Y/N stood and watched as the Brick monster disappeared in the distance, as the other prisoners observed in confusion.

"Am I on LSD?", Y/N thought. Perhaps his days of eating dead rats out of desperation had caught up to him.

Suddenly, the rest of the prisoners saw this as their chance.

"Hey hey! Look at this! Freedom!" They would shout. They began fleeing from their cells as fast as they could. Y/N observed their faces as they passed by.

"So many faces I've never seen before, yet we've been under the same roof all this time."

Y/N often pondered on the cruelty of human punishment. "Oh no, I'm getting existential again."

While the other prisoners ignorantly fled for their lives, Y/N hid in his cell, staying out of sight of any guards, or cops that could have been present. The camera systems had most likely been destroyed by that brick dude, which meant Y/N was safe in his cell.

"Got nowhere else to go..."

Eventually, all the prisoners had been captured and escorted back to their cells. They are constantly watched by guards due to the walls being destroyed. Unbeknownst to Y/N, the guards had some help in catching the prisoners...

Teen Titans X Reader (Male) | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥Where stories live. Discover now