impossible game (i never signed up for this with my name)

Start from the beginning

In the midst of the chaos, all heads turned upward as [Name] floated mid-air, arms crossed, a commanding presence in the skies. Their sudden appearance drew everyone's attention, casting a moment of awe and surprise over the battlefield.

"You finally decide to show yourself, Young [Last Name]?" All Might looked up. The seasoned hero understood that the real challenge lay in facing [Name], and it seemed they were well aware of it.

"Yes," [Name] affirmed with a determined nod. "Don't worry. I've got this, Midoriya, take Bakugo. Go."

The green-haired boy acknowledged [Name]'s resolve with a nod. All Might allowed them to leave, knowing full well that [Name] would keep him occupied. In order to stop Midoriya, he has to defeat them first.

As the fierce fight continued, All Might's gaze remained fixed on Midoriya, who had unleashed his full cowling quirk. With impressive strength, Midoriya quickly hoisted Bakugo onto his shoulder, wearing a determined look that filled All Might with a sense of pride. The unwavering determination shining in his student's eyes showed how much he had grown and how resilient he had become.

Even facing a powerful opponent like All Might, Midoriya's determination remained unshaken. With a confidence that seemed to glow, he spoke up, "Please step aside, All Might." His voice held a blend of respect and determination as he unleashed a mighty punch, sending ripples of force through the air and pushing All Might backward.

With Bakugo safely on his way to the gate, Midoriya left [Name] behind, offering a nod of acknowledgment before he vanished into the distance. Left alone to face the mighty All Might, [Name] couldn't help but smile as they readied themselves for the next stage of the battle.

"Perhaps," [Name] responded a glint of determination in their eyes. "You may be All Might, but I have Superman on my side."

All Might wear a puzzled expression. "Superman?"

Before he could inquire further, a powerful force struck his abdomen. His once-mighty form folded like a collapsible lawn chair. He was sent hurtling through multiple buildings, immediately grabbing the attention of Midoriya, who had stopped before the gate to witness [Name]'s formidable feat.

"Woah!" Midoriya gasped in amazement, his eyes fixed on the incredible sight unfolding above. All Might was being propelled upward by two intense laser beams. The Pro Hero's arms were crossed in an 'X' shape, bravely enduring the full brunt of the attack. As the lasers finally subsided, a figure dressed in blue spandex and a flowing red cape descended from the sky. It was Superman from the era before quirks. Midoriya recognized him from the comics he used to sneakily read online, his favorite being Batman, who also fought crime without superpowers.

The man clasped his hands together, lifting them high above his head before slamming them down onto All Might's back. The force of the blow sent the Pro Hero hurtling toward the ground, triggering an explosion of dust and debris that reverberated through the surrounding buildings.

"Cool right?" [Name] remarked, appearing suddenly next to Midoriya, who let out a startled yelp, his body jerking back as he yelped, holding his back.

Midoriya couldn't contain a cry of pain as his back throbbed with agony, the aftermath of All Might's devastating strike still echoing through his body. Every breath became a struggle, every movement a testament to his unwavering resolve to keep going despite the pain.

In this critical moment, [Name] sprang into action without hesitation. Their voice echoed with a soothing chant, a gentle spell infused with the magic of healing. As they chanted, a soft, radiant light surrounded Midoriya, cradling his injured body. It felt like invisible hands were gently tending to his wounds, stitching together his torn flesh. Gradually, the sharp pain began to subside, replaced by a soothing warmth as his injuries gradually healed.

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