
"He was in an emergency state when he came in. He was lucky the paramedics did their job very well in keeping his breathing under control. The car was well equipped for a crash, so there were no crazy bone injuries, but there was some internal bleeding in the left side of his abdomen."

"How is he now?" Rea quickly questioned the doctor, who only had limited knowledge of her language and had to speak through a nurse who spoke it fluently.

"En ce moment, il est dans le coma. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas trop, il se réveillera."

"He's in a comatose state right now. But you shouldn't worry too much, it's not extensive. He will wake."

"C'est juste à partir de l'impact."

"It is just from the shock of the impact." The nurse quickly said as Rea's leg shook, and Heeseung's manager paced back and forth.

The doctor had a reassuring look on his face, although behind his eyes, Rea could see slight pity, and some type of fear.

He's softening the blow... "He's alright. He will wake." but behind his smile, he's unsure.

"Je suis un fan, et j'espère qu'il se rétablira." He smiled a little and she couldn't respond as she kept her gaze on the ground, her tears silently falling.

"He said he is a fan, and that he hopes he recovers quickly." The nurse said with a nod and Angel gave them a small smile as a thank you.

They both walked away as they tended to their other patients.

"Shit. We need that guy in jail." The manager spoke as he shook his head.

"He was doing his part of the race." Angel said quietly, and although Rea wished that wasn't the case, so that she could place all of the blame on that racer, she knew it was the truth. "He was trying to win, just like all of them, I'm sure the rain made it even harder too."

Heeseung's bodyguard was leaning against the wall as he seemed to be deep in thought.

He suddenly pushed himself off the wall and glared at the manager.

"Why were his tires not for the rain?"


"His tires.... were not for the rain." He emphasized his words slowly as he raised his eyebrows.

"They were. The team made sure they were."

"They weren't. They had to be regular slick tires. They didn't have grip. Did you notice his car was going faster than the rest?! That's because the tires had no grip!"

Angel seemed to be calculating something in his mind as he stood from his seat next to Rea.

"That's true. Heeseung wouldn't have made such an average mistake just like that." Angel said softly as he looked at the manager.

"Why are you all looking at me as if I did something?! Look at the team! Investigate them! Matter of fact, I will do that right now! What makes you think I'd want to hurt Heeseung?!"

No one said anything as the manager placed his eerie glaring gaze on all of them.

He was suddenly typing something on his phone, and was immediately placing it to his ear, before walking away.

Rea looked back down at the ground as she somehow couldn't decipher whether the manager was telling the truth or not.

Out of all days in which you can read people, you can't do it today?!

"I want to see him." She whispered as she crossed her arms over her chest, Heeseung's mildly wet zip-up hoodie was cold on her, but she didn't want to take it off just yet.

"We can't right now. The doctor said-"

"I know. I'm just saying." Rea muttered as she stared at the ground, trying to stop the tears from running.

She closed her eyes tightly, and she felt a hand at her shoulder, making her open them to look up at her brother.

"We should go back and get other clothes or something, I don't want you to-"

"I want to stay. At least for now. He's unstable. The doctor was just lying. I want to stay." She said stubbornly and Angel only sighed before looking away from her. "What if something happens to him while I'm gone? And I don't get to-"

She stopped herself from saying those words before she looked away from Angel and back to the floor.

"I understand. I'll bring you some clothes and food."

"Thank you."

Rea watched Angel walk away and she let out a small sigh, before leaning her head back on the wall.

"Heeseung is competitive. He won't just give up like that."

"I know. He's the most annoying person in the world." She whispered to herself as she closed her eyes again, feeling tears fall down the sides of her face, but choosing to just ignore them because they were out of her control.

The bodyguard didn't expect her to speak about him that way, but he still smiled a little at the affection with which she said these words, as if him being annoying was more of a quality to love than one to hate.

Race To Your Heart |Lee Heeseung|Where stories live. Discover now