Chapter 1 : Fate

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I'm a twenty-three-years old woman working at the hospital as a doctor .

Precisely, I'm a specialist doctor.

I like my job and my life was fine.

Despite being a educated person with plenty knowledge about human anatomy and other things you think doctors should know , I'm obsessed with manhwa and manga.

After working, I reached my phone and searched for any manhwa i can read and got myself obsessed with it's storyline and character. Being a doctor equal to being a slave that work everytime there's something urgent coming up. I hate night shift.

Luckily, I can relax tonight since there's that newcomer doctor who are ambitious enough to take over my work.

Ehem, let me continue.

About my hobby, reading manhwa and manga. It's just usual things to like. I mean who wouldn't love some 'ikemen' character from a fictional story- or is it just me ?

Somehow I can't help but find myself reading " The Tales of Sorrow" every single time.I wake up every morning and accidentally clicked that manhwa- accidentally?- More like intentionally.

The main character of The Tales of Sorrow , Violette Fransche was a commoner living with her poor mom at the countryside. Far away from the royal castle where her true family lives in.

It's the usual tale for the delicate and ladylike main character ugh BASIC .

She's unaware of the fact that she have a royal blood . She's the crown prince illegitimate daughter who got abandoned since birth- i know it's the typical main character thing to have this type of background story.

Then later she knows that she's the crown prince daughter-his father , the crown prince was the current king.After being reunited with her birth father- she becomes the one and only princess in the country.

Happy ending for her , the main character 🎉

The only things that make me read the novel repeatedly wasn't because i like how the main character story goes but- i like the side character , an antagonist

a villain
She's pretty and all but I pitied her life story. She don't deserve this type of treatment.This manhwa creator sure is evil.Burn evil !! You're a witch !

And surprisingly this kind of story made me feels attached to it for a long time- i can't move on HELP!

I continued to read it even though I'm not even 1% interested in the main character and her basic lost princess background was because I waited and waited for the villainess fate to atleast change.

This is not fair !!

The Villainess was the only one character that didn't get her own revenge.A typical Villainess always have this kind of backstory . I wish someday in another story she will live her life peacefully and happily.

Why? Why am i attached to the Villainess? She's nothing but trouble and she only bring harm to the person she hated- but why? Why am i pitying her ?

Is that what's you're thinking right now ?

Honestly I'm not sure why i felt this way but i think her life was quite similar to mine.Her story was relatable for me , it felt like i was reading my own life story.

Funny isn't it ? I have a nice job and all but sometimes not everyone who live as a doctor has a dream life.

Nevertheless , I think it's interesting to share the same fate with the villainess. In my story, I'm not the villain but I'm the person surrounded by villains that acted like main character.

Meanwhile, the villainess was an ordinary noble girl who's too young to decide what type of path she want to choose in her life- confused by what she should do , she decided to seek for her family's advice as the only person she could depends on right now was her one and only family.

In the end, the people who she trust the most -her own family led her to a path with darkness and sorrow where everything seemed so dark that there's no light and hope.

"Betrayed "
-we shared the same word that tells almost half of our life.

" Estrella Levine .. you're stronger than me because when it's finally ending- you stepped up and take your revenge bravely while I'm still facing the same person who betrayed me everyday with a smiling face as if I'm destined to be treated that way"

"if i can change my life and be like you i bet it'll be nice , how i wish i can be like you and i want to be you"

It's already 12 am i should sleep or I'll wake up late for tomorrow.

I turned the light off and lay on my bed.
Suddenly, my chest hurt and i decided to pay no mind to it as I'm so sleepy right now. Only to know that, my carelessness will brings me my own end.


What is this extreme pain I'm experiencing???

*Cough cough* Blood?

My heart feels like it's tearing apart and collapsing as soon as I take my next breath but I continued to take one more breath as the pain starts to consume my consciousness.

"Damn, it's my time already?"

"It's painful.. But at the same time its taking away all my worries why? Is it because i know that this life will end? AGHHH!! "

Before i take my last breath i muttered a sentence

"They will probably laugh at my funeral , that arrogant and selfish person is no longer there right?"
I coughed up blood and fully losing my consciousness.I can't fight this pain anymore.

Little did I know, it's the last breath I'll take in this life because the next breath I'll take will be when I'm no longer myself.

No longer me , just a soul trapped in fairytale with endless pain

I run to the light and suddenly i regained my consciousness. Wake up !! I need to open my eyes!!

I opened my eyes and I look around. Looking at everything that is unusual to my eyes. My body? Whose body is this? Who am i now?

I rush to the mirror near my bed as quick as i can .

This can't be true. This can't be happening... How ?

Bright purple eyes, long jet black hair , fair skin with beautiful face almost looks like a painting , hourglass figure

No way ... It's impossible ..How in the world?

I'm...Estrella Levine now !??

Rewrite The Villainess Story Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora