Coffee Shop

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It was Cody.

Noah didn't know how to respond at first, then quickly realized he was acting weird.

"Oh hey, Cody. What's up?"

What's up? Noah never said what's up. Well, once, as a joke. A JOKE. At least Cody didn't know that.

"Nothing! Just came here to study. It's my favourite spot!" Cody said, slipping into the seat beside Noah.

"Hey Cody! Got any of those great dumplings your mom makes?" Owen questions, and Cody suddenly gets nervous.

"Oh! Right! My mom! Umm.. no! Not today! She work! Yeah, yeah work!"

"Ohhhh Okay! I wonder when she'll be back because I don't think she likes me taking your food all that much..."

"Heh, yep! Just...cares about my food intake...yep! That's it!" Cody was acting really weird...

"Anyways, I'm gonna go order! Im so thirsty!" Cody beams, looking happy for a change of subject.

"I'll come too. I want a refill and one cup just didn't do it." Noah adds, standing up from his chair.

As Noah and Cody walked towards the barista, Izzy was secretly plotting in her mind.

"How much do you bet they end up dating! They just seem right for each other! Woah!" Izzy then promptly fell off her chair.

"Iz, they just met! Probably like today as well!" Eva stares, curious as to how this was who she loved.

"Sooooooo, how much money?"

Eva sighed. "$20 they're just friends."

Izzy smiled. Easiest $20 she ever made. The hardest was when she robbed a feisty grandma. "You're on!"

Cody and Noah returned, Cody with a caramel frappe chino and Noah with (another) black coffee.

"What were you guys talking about?" Cody questions, and Noah rolls his eyes.

"Seriously, it's Izzy. I met her 20 minutes ago and she's already the most chaotic being I've ever met. This is comparing her to my cousins, and that's really saying something. Do you really want to know?"

"Good point. Anyways how close do you guys live to the school? I live 10 minutes away on 4369 Robinson Street!" (Completely made up. If this is your address, Congrats your Matching with Cody.)

Noah stared at him mouth open. "Hey! I live on 4367 Robinson! You're literally my next door neighbour."

Cody was ecstatic. "Really!? That's so cool! We can walk to school together, and go to the cafe together and..." Noah tuned it out and just started thinking about living next to Cody. It would be pretty cool. Cody seemed really nice, and Noah was happy to get to know him more.

"Hello? Noahhhhh? You there?" Was that Owen or Cody?


"I'm here! I'm here! Just zoned out for a bit. Jeez." Noah responded, trying to divert the attention from his zone-out.

"Yeah yeah yeah! Anywaysssssss, I found this really cool goat the other day..." Izzy started, but all Noah could think about was Cody living next to him.

About an hour later, they exchanged numbers and Noah and Cody began to walk home. Talking about who knows what, Cody was going on about some cat video or something. Noah reached his house first, and said goodbye to Cody. Noah checked his watch. 4:52pm. He took a step into the house and saw all of his siblings lined up in a wall around the door.

"Umm, what? Who died?" Noah asked sarcastically.

Arya, his oldest sister, responded.

"You have FRIENDS?"

"Is that so hard to believe?" Noah questioned

"And who was that guy walking home with you? Is he your boyfriend?" This was definitely Avi who asked that time.

"No, he's just a friend."

"For now." He heard one of his sisters mutter under her breath.

"I'm going to my room." Noah says, and bursts through from in between his two of his siblings. For the next two and a half hours, Noah did nothing but sit on his bed and watch shows/Play video games. He checked the time. 7:22pm. Noah sighed, and decided to put away his devices. He opened up a book by his bed for some light reading before bed. It was a juvenile book, really. Heavy topic, light book. It was titled 'The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas' By John Boyne. (I think.)

Noah finished the book, then turned off the light. Checked the time again, 8:03. Noah normally went to sleep a lot later, but not tonight. Noah turned over, the pride flag and the end of his bed and started thinking. About school, Izzy, Eva, Owen, and... Cody.

Noah really liked Cody. He was really sweet and kind and thoughtful and really cute. Especially the little gap between his tee-

Noah's train of thought was cut off mid way.

Holy sh*t.

Noah had a crush on Cody.

A/N - HOLY CRAP PEOPLE ARE READING THIS!  Thanks so much to everyone that has read, and is reading, and I will hopefully update again tomorrow!  Thank you so much and please let me know what you think so far.  Thank you! 

Oh I also did not mean to put anyone's actually address.  If it is, I'm sorry, I did not mean to!

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