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"Joshua" Jeonghan called, panting and breathing heavily as he just legitimately ran to the hospital.

Joshua can feel his heart beat and finally relieved seeing that Jeonghan is there, visiting him "Jeonghan" he smiled so gently and happily

Jeonghan felt his heart skip a beat like he had fallen more for his husband, sitting on the bed, looking so handsome as ever, and his gentle smile and soft voice, oh how he missed this and he feels like passing out from relief, the older wasted no time and approached Joshua and hugged him not too tight, just enough.

Feeling Jeonghan's warmth after such a long time made Joshua's body and mind relax and not tense anymore like he wasn't stressed before, same goes for Jeonghan hugging Joshua, feeling his husband warmth was such a huge relief for him and knowing that he's safe in Joshua's arms he let himself passed out from relief.

"Jeonghan?" Joshua called feeling Jeonghan's gripped loosen. "He passed out from relief Shua" Seungcheol said, seeing Jeonghan sleeping peacefully now in Joshua's arms.

"He was really worried" He added, Joshua patted Jeonghan's back. "Im fine now.. We're alright now Hannie, now rest" Joshua whispered as he ans Seungcheol place Jeonghan down on the bed beside Joshua sleeping peacefully.

"God i really love him" Joshua added smiling so gently while brushing Jeonghan's hair.


Jeonghan slowly woke up only to be greeted by a pair of deer like eyes, he smiled at the sight of seeing Joshua, his husband, beside him as he wokes up. Now brushing Joshua's hair aside, his gaze went from Joshua's eyes to the younger's lips to his stomach.

His hands slowly made it's way to Joshua's cheek to his stomach, wanting to touch Joshua's stomach but his consciousness is blocking him.. He feels like he can't from what he did so he stopped his hands mid way.

"Hannie?" A soft and gentle voice called, oh how Jeonghan missed it. "Good morning Shua" Greeting his husband with a smile, glad that he's fine and is with him again.

"Good morning" Joshua greeted back with a gentle smile, happy that he's with Jeonghan again. "How are you feeling?" he added putting his hands on Jeonghan's cheeks.

"I should be asking you that Shuji.." Jeonghan replied holding Joshua's hand that's on his cheeks. "Im sorry.." now pouting and his grip tighten on Joshua's hand, he apologised.

"Hannie.. It's fine" Joshua assured his husband who seems upset. "You didn't know" his thumb rubbing Jeonghan's cheeks.

"Why.. Why didn't you tell it to me immediately?" Jeonghan's grip now loosening and asked. "Well.. Maybe i was.. I was scared, scared that if you don't want to, you will leave me.. Leave us" Not lying and hiding anymore, Joshua told the truth shaking.

"Shuji.. Im not mad, i never will be.. Being honest i actually wanted to talk about this with you" Jeonghan assured, rubbing Joshua's hand. "But considering we already have this, Im grateful" putting their foreheads together, smiling so widely looking each other into each others eyes.

"Thank you.. And we love you Hannie" Joshua said smiling closing his eyes. "I love you guys too Shuji" also closing his eyes, Jeonghan replied.

Opening their eyes, falling deeply even more into each other eyes, leaning in slowly until their lips touched.

Forming a soft and gentle kiss that they hadn't had for a while. Enjoying the warmth their recieving from each other.

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