Chapter 18: Ain't No Club Like Fight Club: Finale

Start from the beginning

Asher: Is up there?

Bradley: Yeah, why?

[Asher lowers his arm and smirks.]

Asher: Then I think I have a plan.

Croc: (Skepticaly) Really now?

Cyclops Arena-Keeper: Care to share it?

Asher: Sure thing.

[Asher turns around, crosses his arms, and looks up at the commentator's booth with a smile.]

Asher: I'm gonna go up to the commentator's booth, turn the lights off, and plunge this entire place into beddy–bye time.


[The three blankly stare at Asher. They all blink once in unison before Bradley speaks up.]

Bradley: Yeah, I figured that would be your plan when you asked about the lights... And as much as a (Sarcastically) *great plan* that is–

Asher: Give me a break! I'm exhausted!

[Asher taps his cigarette, knocking some ash off of it.]

Bradley: –Even if you do manage to get past every single asshole patrolling the arena and kill the lights, we'll be in the dark as well, making us as blind as them. Making clearing this place out pretty much impossible...

Croc: Actually,–

[Croc interrupts, gaining everyone's attention.]

Croc: –I have night vision. I can see fine in the dark.

[Croc raises up his left-handed bladed gauntlet near his neck.]

Croc: And kill just as well, too.

Cyclops Arena-Keeper: Same here.

[Bradley turns and looks at the Cyclops interested.]

Bradley: Really? You have night vision, too?

Cyclops Arena-Keeper: Well– No. But when I was alive, I used to be an incredibly proficient hunter. So I'm used to looking around and hunting in the dark.

Asher: Then the plan is set!

[The three of them look back at Asher.]

Asher: I'll turn the lights off, and you two make corpses out of our unwelcomed guests!

[Asher looks at Bradley.]

Asher: Brad, you can just... Uh... Wait and be negative, I guess.

Bradley: Eat shit.

[The Cyclops nudges Bradley and gestures back towards the locker room.]

Cyclops Arena-Keeper: Why don't you head back and see which of my men can still shoot and/or be partly conscious. Grab anyone who qualifies, then get them armed and stand them ready at the doorway into the arena.

[The Cyclops looks at Asher.]

Cyclops Arena-Keeper: After Burns kills the lights, Leatherhead and I will start clearing out the sides of the arena near the bleachers and exits. While we're doing that, I want you to bust open the doors with my men and open fire into the center ring.

Asher: Good idea! They'll be in such a panic trying to find you two in the dark and wondering what the hell is going on; they won't expect an ambush.

Cyclops Arena-Keeper: Odin, grant it, yes. But if we want to get the jump on them, we need to stop talking and get to killing. It's only a matter of time before someone decides that searching the locker rooms is a reasonable idea.

Headaches & Hazbins: Book 1: New Kind of Life, New Kind of HellWhere stories live. Discover now