I - The Calm Before

Start from the beginning

The distant forms of the cluster of islands could now clearly be seen as their little boat approached. Somewhere out there, on one of the hundreds of the Islands of the Mare, was a treasure that would change their lives forever. A treasure that Liana needed more than anything.

She didn't want to think about how worried her father must be, having disappeared in the night like she did. The note she left didn't say much, but she wished that she had done more, instead of running off on the spur of the moment. But she had to go–things had to change. This treasure would help her start a new life. A life away from Doran.

"We made it." Liana's relief was clear as the breathy words left her.

"Not yet, Priestess."

Liana scowled at him, though Jerrim pretended not to see the look. His rosy cheeks made it clear he regretted the remark, however.

The wind picked up, whipping her hair into his face, as if acting on her emotions. She let the wild hair flick into his face a moment, enjoying the hint of frustration on Jerrim's face, before she brought out a band and tied her messy red mane back.

She would let him be the first to speak again after his remark, and focused on the enlarging islands.

After what seemed like a good hour–who could tell time on the ocean–their little sailboat finally drifted through the first few islands of the Mare.

These were relatively small, Liana knew, compared to the larger ones that made up the bulk of the collective islands, known as The Republic of the Three Great Schools. They were mostly rock and sand to start with, though as they progressed, some of the islands showed signs of vegetation and sparse trees. She scanned some of the more habitable looking land masses, wondering if they would see any of the Great School species roaming around.

She thought of referring to the treasure map they had stolen from Old Krupp's attic, but didn't want to miss the sights around them.

"Quite something, aren't they?" Jerrim asked over his shoulder. His hands held the wheel tight as he maneuvered through the islands, careful to stay clear of the surrounding rocks.

Now he had spoken, Liana was happy to talk to him. "They're amazing," she said honestly.

Liana had thought that the icy peaks of Iselda's Crown were something to behold, although she had never been as awestruck by them growing up there. Not like she was now, taking in the dozens of islands in the warm breeze.

She had never felt so free.

The wind picked up as they cleared a cluster of islands and entered a large open section of the sea.

Jerrim grunted beside her, and she knew it wasn't a good sound.

"What's wrong?"

Jerrim's piercing blue eyes continued to study the area, ignoring her question. She hated when he did this. He had the most selective hearing out of anyone she had ever met.

The strengthening wind howled. Bulges of soft waves rolled around them now.

Liana steadied herself as the boat rocked. Her heart raced, having not felt the boat feel so unstable in all the time they had been on it.

Jerrim stepped to the mast and pulled on the ropes, furling the billowing sail.

"Li...." Jerrim said as he worked the sail, his brow furrowed.

She waited for him to continue, though it was soon clear he was lost in his thoughts again.

"Yes?" she asked, failing to hold back a hiss of frustration.

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