Chapter 11

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\\April 25th, 19:07\\
The Frostbourne Kingdom, Overworld.

"—This... it doesn't feel real." Flint rejoices when hearing the news. Even with seeing it with my own eyes, I can hardly believe the idea of an undead surrender to be true either.

"The Undead... surrendered?" I heard my father ask, sounding very skeptical of this situation, from inside the war-room. "And the Portal Gateways closing? All near the same time?"

"That's what Officer Agatha and Vimir's reports say about the Undead Lord." Commander Hilda avers, sounding just as shaken as the other councilmen and women. "Lord Herobrine has yet to be presented with a peace treaty, so until he signs it, they could simply be rushed assumptions or rumors."
"As for the End, it is only speculation. With the Princess missing, and their King weakened, a temporary ceasefire could be predicted. The End must focus on aiding their own."

I hear my father clear his throat, "That is correct, Commander. Until there's an official ceasefire, and the portals are seen to be closed, we must stay vigilant. This belief of a sudden surrender and a ceasefire is dangerous if the information is handled improperly."

As I sit outside the war room, disallowed from the meeting, I listen in through the rickety spruce door, the hallways out here were empty so it was easier to listen in. Hilda had tied my hand to a fence post so I'd stay put. Now I'm just sitting on the frigid, stone brick flooring until the meeting is over with.
The Commander...
I still feel horrible for what I said. I'm nothing less than an idiot for thinking it was a good idea to compare her daughter and the End Princess. If someone had compared my mother to her, no matter how well-intended, I wouldn't have hesitated on punching them square in the nose. I should apologize to her when I get the chance; she saved my ass from my own stupidity after all, the least I can do is apologize for being an idiot.

I get lost in my own thoughts of guilt, and the relief at the idea of the Undead Army's surrender that I'm only brought back when I hear a councilman speak my name.
"Shouldn't the young'r Wynter, be in here as well?" I hear Daryll speak up, his voice stoic and unflappable in comparison to the others showing palpable excitement or at the least mild confusion. "He came home from his mission from the End Kingdoms earlier this mornin', and there have been rumors about him spread around like wildfire. Some say he tried to smugglin' in an End Warrior, others that he went crazy and became a spy for Lord Lance, and others saying he got arrested." The room goes quiet, and I flinch back from the door. "Unless those rumors are true, he should be here."
The room went quiet, and I could feel the tension between them despite not even being in the room. I look back at the door, trying to test if I can see through the crack. I don't get a good view of much, but I can see a few people in the nearly-empty room. I don't see Daryll (he's being blocked by Flint), but Flint, Hilda, and my Father are in as clear of view I can get.

My father sighs and the Commander looks up at the bandit to answer his question. "While those rumors are... exceedingly exaggerated... yes, he was arrested; however, from what we can tell, it was all a big misunderstanding. His charges and punishment will be sorted out after this discussion on these sudden matters." My father speaks up, smoothing over the situation to try and turn focus back to the reason they were called together.

Heads turn to Hilda, and then my father. Daryll scoffs, "That kid..." I hear him sneer.
  Daryll doesn't like me very much. He thinks I'm too rambunctious and to be a half-decent councilor; not that I blame him, I do my best, but I didn't get this job for being good at it, I wouldn't have gotten it if I didn't in. He's blunt and stubborn about what he sees as right, and it's why Ser Patrick chose him. He says something about how being able to hear different opinions than your own makes you a better leader? Whatever he means, I don't know how he puts up with Daryll. "What exactly happened? What did that kid do? Were those rumors true?"

The Warrior Son and the King's Daughter // Rainimator AU //Where stories live. Discover now