Chapter 5

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\\April 25th, 20:53\\
The Void Islands, End.

  Fine. I allow it. But you be back by morning! And I swear to Notch if you dare do anything to draw more unnecessary attention to yourself, I'll... —He took a deep breath.— Just get back here in one piece. Understood?

  "Understood." I respond blankly. "Over and out."

I click the mic off and sigh heavily and my shoulders droop and pause before placing my mask back over my eyes. It's almost 21:00 hours. She'll be here soon.


  Just then I hear a set of footsteps approach me. I smile instinctively for a second before it drops... whoever's footsteps weren't hers, or similar in any way. Slow, heavy, yet quiet, and quite unlike Stella's footsteps which are quieter, and less forceful.
I don't have time to react, for when I turn around, the footsteps stop, and I'm facing down a man with grey skin, a barrel of a gun pointed at my chest.

  He stood a few feet away, brows furrowed and jaw clenched. "Who are you." He asks, his voice booms. I wouldn't be surprised if he woke up the whole of the Isles.
  I don't seem to respond fast enough for his liking because he fired a warning shot into the hedge next to me. I flinch, a look of fear flashes across my face.
  This man must be nuts! I think to myself.
  He points the gun back at me. "I'll ask you again: who are you."

  "R—Rin G—" Before I could even get the last name out, he fires a second warning shot, this time aiming in the small gap between my arm and chest, barely missing me. I flinch again as I hear the explosive sound from behind me; my ears begin to ring slightly.

  "Hands up." He orders, seemably giving up asking for my name. I hesitantly do as I was told, not too sure he would give me any more chances before putting a hole in my chest.
  He doesn't lower his gun but pauses, studying my face, or as much of my face he can see. Almost as if he could read my thoughts from what little he can observe...

  "Take that mask off." He orders, loud and clear, despite the ring in my ear, "And I'd be quite weary of my next action if I were you."

  Damnit, guess he assumes I'm armed.
  He's not wrong I have a simple knife concealed inside my right boot, and an energy pistol hidden by my suit coat, but I don't see how I could even kick off my boot or attempt to shake off my jacket before becoming Swiss cheese by this lunatic.
  I remove my eye mask, slowly and hesitantly, before dropping it on the ground below me. I notice his eyes shift as he studies me, calculating.
  "So you're the Overworldian scum whom slain those dragons." His piercing glare breaks and is washed over with a vile grin. He begins approaching me, not lowering his gun or taking his eyes off of me for a second. "I'm going to love seeing how long you, a worthless human, last in the End Dungeons." He sneers, walking closer to me.

Dad's going to kill you for this if you don't die here. Come on Rain, think, think of something! Anything! I thought, trying to think of something as the man finally puts down the gun to bound up my hands. I doubt I could fight him, he'd be expecting that too much—

Just then I hear a few soft footsteps approaching the garden, footsteps so hushed I thought I was imagining them. Stella. She's coming.
"Hey Rin! Sorry I'm late—" Before she could finish, her inky eyes dart to the man, and my maskless face. She shouts something, but I couldn't hear, my ears rang at the noise.

The Warrior Son and the King's Daughter // Rainimator AU //Where stories live. Discover now