Chapter 7

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\\April 25th, 3:47\\
The Void Islands, End.

  I try to listen in to their meeting about her, but I can hardly make out a word. I cannot tell if that is from the fact I'm on the brink of tears, or the barrier magic keeping the noise from the inside of the Void Palace's War Room; you know, in case of spies and trespassers.
  The End nobles had an emergency meeting to discuss the current situation for the past hour, and all the details, like: who took the Princess, what afflictions does this person have, where has he taking her/where can we find her; and what will we tell the civilians, that is, if we decide to and risk panic across the End, how to explain the portal, the glowing man flying about at such an unreasonable hour, and the gunshots in the castle courtyard.

  I sit next to the wall in a state of shock and horror. That man... that trickster... how did I not see it? The credible shy, flustered boy she meets on the balcony of a castle, on a moonlit night. Such a cheesy and obvious ruse to get close to her. I should have seen it. Damn it, now she's in danger, and it's all my fault!
  I probably look like a mess. I had no shoes on; I haven't slept; and my, once glamours makeup Stella helped me with, was smeared down my face, and left noticable tear-stained eyeliner down my cheeks. I remain in my rose gown from earlier, the skirt pooled around me like a blanket.

  Yelling could be heard within the room, sobbing, screaming, silence, all without coherent words to match. Stella was kidnapped. She could be hurt, scared, dead, or maybe worse, and not one of them knows what to do, or how to process any of it. They were just as clueless and worried as I was, which is both a reassuring comfort, and horrifying alarm.
  Reassuring that I'm not alone with my feelings.
  Horrifying because, even with our strength, our power, our prominence in not just this world, I may never see my best friend, my sister, ever again.
  After what felt like an eternity, the door to the war room was opened, and three individuals walked out, all three I can identify. Ceris, the Dragontamer. Marcel, the Lord of the Umbral kingdom. Crevan, the newly elected Lord of Orchid City.

  Ceris walks behind the other two, and looks back at me. Her face was bent into a frown. She stood there facing me, not saying a word to me. At leased not verbally. She was sorrowful, but had not a trace of anger towards me. She was not angry towards me, and held no distain. It was as if she was saying 'Don't worry. We will do our best to find her.' in a single glance.
And as if nothing happened, she stood up a bit straighter, looked back forward and went back on forward.

It was silent, up until I could hear Kane take a few steps out and towards me. His movements were just ever so slightly sluggish, and tiredly. "Ciara?" He spoke gently, peeking out from behind the door. "We want to speak with you next."

I try to get up, but my jelly legs keep me down. This whole situation must really be stressing me out. "I... I can't..." I try to speak, but my voice comes out cracked and shaken, even when I try hard not to sound like I've been crying for hours. I'm embarrassed to be like this in front of him. He's my brother, sure, he took me in when I was a dying child, but I'm more than that now! At least I should be, I don't know anymore.

Kane's eyes soften before he sluggishly walks over to me, he must be as exhausted as I am. "Take a deep breather, Ciara. No one is mad at you." He states in attempt to comfort me before helping me up off the ground. My legs shake despite holding onto him, and he helps me into the meeting room.

Lance is sitting at the head of the table, he look's physically weak and exhausted; more so than he'd ever let me see. "There you are, dear child." His voice cracks. "Please, sit, sit you two!" He motions weakly to the chairs next to him.
My brother helps me get into a seat next to the King, and he takes the one next to me. Lance placed his hand on my forearm. "Dear child..." He sighs before wiping a tear from his cheek. The King extends his hand to a black teapot with silver accents. "Tea?"

The Warrior Son and the King's Daughter // Rainimator AU //Where stories live. Discover now