8.0 | Cat

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The sad songs we heard as we walked
I don't want to hear it, it's hard
Why do I keep missing you?
I still hope and pray that you'll comeback

"Reo! Come join us busking,"

It was winter in Hakuho. No Nagi insight.

He heard that  the remaining Blue Lock players will be continuing their study with the education program organized by Blue Lock itself. It was because many of them were behind their studies since the project started. Reo agreed with that since he himself need to struggle catching up with his classmates after he came back.

And the fact he study in prep school with more advance syllabus also not helping. 2 months worth of study feeling like he skipped a year.

(Based on egoist bible, I found it funny bc only ngro were having a thriving balance between soccer and their studies. Others mostly on verge of getting kicked out from school because of their bad grades. Then, there's Rin and Sae who actually good at studying but they could never use their brain other than for soccer)

"Give us a song!"

Reo recognized them as students from Band Club he once help. They were on the verge of disbanding when Reo came helping with some gag they could join to collect the funds for their club. They were really talented since Reo heard them a lot in his evening pratice. It such a waste of talent if they didn't make it.

Reo joined them singing and playing in the open club room. He actually were making rounds after having his lunch with some girls from the student council. Since there were about 30 more minutes before the class started, he thought why not.

"It's good that you are more cheerful than before! We heard the story from Akane. He's pretty dick," the club leader said.

Akane was the girl who always put her hair in twin drills. Reo and her had been classmate from middle school thus, they kind off a  pretty decent friend. But that doesn't mean he appreciate the girl telling others aside from his classmate and close friend about his problems.

"Yeah, I'm alright senior," Reo replied, a little strained.

The leader hummed at his answer but doesn't commented on it. Their bassist, someone from the class next to Reo, snapped his finger once an idea got into his mind.

"Reo! How about you sang in our next performance? It is nothing big but an event in SangHo sister's cafe," SangHo was their keyboardist and the youngest in the 4 men band group.

"But isn't that better if SangHo himself sing it? Also, you guys have a vocalist already right?," Reo awkwardly asked and glanced at the only Korean in the room.

"I don't care. I prefer playing more. You have better voice than me senpai," SangHo waved  and shrugged while cleaning his keyboard.

"Annnd our vocalist had another plan that day. So, he is off duty! Come on Reo, it's gonna be fun. I swear on my guitar's pick!" The leader slung his arm on Reo shoulder and startled him.

Reo thought went back to his schedule. He would be guilty if he lied he was busy, because he was actually not. His parents were back home for this month and took some of the jobs from Reo. Thus, he could focus on his study more for the upcoming test.

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