5.0 | Chance

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// last chapter is just weird but I'm too lazy to fix it cuz it's not really straying from the plot. Idk what I'm on at that time

I look around, turn the radio down
He says, " Baby, is somethin' wrong?"
I say, " Nothin', I was just thinkin'
How we don't have a song"


If Nagi is self concious, Reo is self aware.

Reo knew what he is good at and what he is bad at. He will improve what he can or rest when he can't . Never over stepping any boundaries but also never limit himself in looking foward to it.

Nagi love him for that..

.. because Nagi knew he could never do that.

At least by himself.

Nagi was concious about all those rumors about them. How he was not someone who was suitable to be around the perfect Elite, Mikage Reo. If it was only about him, he could just brush it off but not if it involved Reo, his first ever friend.

Thus, he decided to take an effort to change.

A small step still an improvement but he doesn't knew where to start.

Until, last Saturday he received a sudden call from an unknown number claiming he was a childhood friend of him. He doesn't remember he had any actual friend before but he did remember that one student named Osana Najimi in his primary school days.

They hang out once in the past. Mostly, Najimi chatting while Nagi playing games beside them. They moved to another school though two days later.

Apparently, Najimi met Nagi's mom in US and decided by themselves to spent the rest of their school holidays in Nagi's place. Also because Nagi's apartment was closer to the airport than theirs.

Nagi at first declined them but later on he received a threat from his mother to accept them.

"Nagi kun!,"

It was 2 in the morning when Najimi arrived at the airport. The first thing Nagi noticed although he couldn't really opened his eyes was Najimi's lavender hair then their petite body adorning a hoodie and baggy jeans. They were really energetic despite the time.

Luckily, Najimi's luggage was only one which less hassle for Nagi to assist them. Once both of them arrived at home, Nagi was the one who blacked out first. He was woken up later at 10 am by Najimi cooking.

"Chocolate or tea?" Najimi asked while adorning a fluffy apron which Nagi didn't knew he have it.

"Hot chocolate. You will be a great wife Najimi-chan," Nagi commented once he noticed the sport skirt they were wearing underneath.

"I know right?! I'm also one of the best cook in our year," they said while putting on the mug in front of Nagi.

The morning passed with them chatting, catching up with each other life. Unexpectedly, Najimi right now studying in Itan High which only a station away from Hakuho. Nagi would expect for them to visit again sooner or later.

At one point, Nagi slipped about Reo to Najimi and his concern about the gossip. Najimi being the supportive friend ( and matchmaker) listened and decided to help. Which then led to the current situation.

"Nagi? What are you doing here?,"

Reo asked but his eyes didn't met with Nagi's. It was directed toward Najimi with a subtle glare and annoyance in it. Oh no, Reo is misunderstanding something. He didn't even greeted them with a hi or hello.

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