11.0 | Wait For Me

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I love to hold you close,
tonight and always,
I love to wake up next to you


Reo eyes fluttered opened.

The rustle behind him woke him up from his slumber. The entire room of team V was still dark. He turned his body; in search of his smartphone but he felt something squishy instead which weirded him out. His blurry eyes tried to process the figure beside him but the person voice cut it first, revealing his identity.

"Did I woke Reo up? I'm sorry.." Nagi whispered under his breath. His eyes looked up to meet the sleepy purple pair, feeling guilty.

" 'ssokay Nagi". Instead of getting his phone, Reo landed his hand on the taller white fluffy hair. Giving it several comforting pat and stayed there because he too tired to remove it. "Nightmare?" he asked the latter the first thing came to his foggy head.

Nagi shook his head denying the statement which actually true.  "It too cold. Your bed looked warm".

He got a dream of Reo crying but before he could assure the other, he was pulled out of his sleep. His first sight quick to be directed to Reo who was sleeping in a bed instead of futon like the others. Reo got it by trading the goals he made because for him the futon was too out of his standard that he couldn't get his proper sleep.

Seeing the Reo's calm sleeping face, Nagi heaved a relief sigh. He picked up his blanket and decided to sneak beside Reo. Unfortunately, he was not quiet enough that he woke up the sleeping beauty. However, it was still a win for Nagi since he could saw the cute scrunching face Reo made when he was sleepy. He miss the time when they both napping together during lunch hour in school.

"Really? Come here then," Reo removed his hand from Nagi's head. His arm lifted into an open hug, inviting the albino for a cuddle. "It's warmer like this" and Nagi agreed when he moved closer to the shorter. His head slotted perfectly under Reo's .

He and Reo used the same soap provided by Blue Lock facility but somehow the scent smell better on Reo. It ease Nagi's erratic heart and lulling him to sleep within the silence of the big room. Clocks ticking. His eyes almost closed when he noticed Reo was adjusting their position.

"Ah, sorry Nagi. I think my arm gonna fall asleep first if I stay like this longer".

Cute. Yep, this the person Seishiro falling for.

Nagi raised his head to free Reo's arm from under him. Shamelessly, he pulled that hand into his and placed it between their body; close to his cold cheek to feel its warmth. Reo doesn't seemed to mind, so he leaned closer like a cat to its owner.

Another silence fall upon them. Nobody said anything, just their soft breathing could be heard inside the space. Time passed, Nagi felt sleepy again but Reo was clearly not.

"I heard that Ebi and Nemo got a girlfriend". Nagi started a conversation, hoping it could help Reo to sleep.

"Oh, you actually was listening that time?" Nagi nodded confirming Reo remark from the dinner before. "Zantetsu started when he talk about his old crush. Apparently, Hijikata too was on his way getting his crush. But it's a college girl. Do you think it was possible?".

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