Chapter 43 - A Fitting Grave

Start from the beginning

"Finally, damn." Enjō wheezed as the vortex of fire surrounding him disappeared, revealing Shacia City again. His eyes darted around. So, was I actually imagining that? Enjō thought, City looks pretty normal to me. Quiet.

"What a pity." Corian's voice interrupted the silence, "It was just getting good."
Enjō turned around and saw Corian standing at the same place he was before, he ran towards him, "'Ey! What was that?! Explain yourself!"

Corian sighed and lowered his paintbrush as Enjō closed in on him, "I was just doing some finishing touches. Unfortunately for you, you didn't find me in time, Enjō."  A relieved smile came to his face as he brushed his hair back with his hands. Another torrent of blue paint surrounded him.

"Shit!" Enjō took notice and squeaked his shoes on the concrete, sharply turning around.

"For my next piece..."

"This is my Great Muse: Oceanum der Sanguine."


Omega zoomed across the street with Omari in hand, unconscious from the speed. He looked around, and saw dozens of people crying on their knees, some swinging weapons around haphazardly, and some people organizing riots.

Could it be that the black thing in the sky is doing this? But how? Omega thought, then shook his head, Not the time! I have to hurry!

The apartment complex was still further away than Omega expected, but the Curtain was still descending down onto it, he still had time. He raced around each corner, occasionally hitting poles on the streets. My levitation isn't efficient enough at this speed!

He passed the final corner and the apartment was finally close. The Curtain wasn't even 20 feet from closing in the apartment, he had to hurry. He zoomed across the final street until he felt a breeze blow against him, slowing him down.

"Hey kid, I'm afraid I can't let you get past me. You've reached your final destination!" A braided man yelled and stood shirtless in the middle of the street and stretched his arms out.

It's Falan, Omega thought.
"I don't have time for you!" Omega yelled and tried to go past him, but the wind was pushing him back.

Falan's voice grew gritty, "I said I can't let you past me!" Using his hands as fans, he swiped the air, pushing Omega and Omari to the ground. "Oh, I got an idea I've really been dying to try—you'll help, yeah?!" He fanned his hands repeatedly, a huge gust of wind pushed Omega off of the ground and tumbling down the stairs of a subway entrance.

Falan was out of his sight for a while as Omega stood back up and looked around. People were lined up across the station platform, weeping and raging.
Here too? What's going on? Omega thought as he settled Omari down on a seat further away, I don't want him to get in danger, Falan could be down here any second.

Omega approached the staircase, just as Falan came into view past the afternoon sun.

"Yo." He waved as he came down.

This is good, compact. I can work with this.

Omega threw his hand out, a brick from the side of the wall bursted out and crashed into Falan's head directly. The brick crumbled in his face, some blood splattering from it.
"What the-" He knelt down and groaned in his hand, blood leaking past his fingers, "That's new..."

Omega released two more bricks to his face, each getting a groan out of Falan. He held his hand out and manifested a knife in his hand. I have to finish this fast!

"Annoying brat..." Falan swiped his hand, blowing Omega back towards the platform. "Gotta admit, you're a lot smarter than me," He wiped the blood from his face, "But that doesn't mean you'll beat me."
Omega tried to get up, but the wind forced him back until his back was against a wall. Along with him, at least a dozen people were thrown onto the side of the tracks, a constant gale sticking them to it like glue.

I can't move! I can barely— Omega held his breath, It's so strong that I can barely breathe. His heart pumped faster and faster.
He turned his attention towards the other civilians, If I don't do something, we'll either suffocate or get run over, but I can't bring my hand out to do anything . He tried to pull his arm away from the wall, but it slammed right back onto the wall. I can't do anything! How long can he keep this up?

"Downtown Station 1–two minutes." The intercom blared from above.

"Just enough time for me. How about you, Omega?! Oh, I forgot you probably can't hear me!" Falan snickered on the platform.

Omega's mind raced all over, I only have two minutes, I have to think of something before it's too late. I need control of my hands to create anything, and I can't control anything relevant with only my mind. Omega grit his teeth and closed his eyes, Is there really nothing I can do?!


30 minutes earlier...

A hot stream of coffee flowed into a cup, the barista quickly covering it and handing it to Uyama.
"Thank you very much," Uyama took the cup and turned to sit with the manager, "No coffee?"

"No, I do-I don't drink coffee, it's unhealthy" The manager sat stiffly in the chair, avoiding direct eye contact.

"Oh come on, you gotta enjoy things every now and then, yeah? Just don't drink it at night and you'll be fine." Uyama opened the cap to the coffee and observed it.

"We're not here for coffee banter! I have to get you out of this apartment!" The manager grew red in the face.

Uyama looked down at the coffee for a while longer before pointing at it and chuckling, "You know, I remember when they used to do those neat little designs on top of the coffee. Maybe it's just this place, but it's a shame that they don't do that anymore."

The manager choked on his spit, "If you—If you don't like our services, then you're just dying to leave, aren't you?!"

Uyama looked up at him with a playful frown, "Well—uh, I just don't really like packing. Anyway, if you give us like...a month. Just a month and we'll plan to leave, yeah?" Uyama sipped from his coffee.

The manager groaned under his breath, "You better not do anything until then. I'll take it." He held his hand out to make the deal.

Uyama looked down at his hand for a while, then up at him.
"Well? Deal or not?!" The manager moved his hand impatiently.

"Yeah," A serious expression came to Uyama's face as he reached over to shake his hand.

As their hands were about to touch, Uyama yanked his hand forward and squeezed him by the forearm. He dragged the manager out of the chair and pulled his other fist back to punch him in the face. In a split second, the manager's other hand was stopped just an inch from Uyama's face by an invisible force. They both stood still.

Beside them, Kuro's scaly hand unveiled itself, pulling back the manager's arm. As the rest of his body was revealed, he muttered, "Keep his hands as far away as possible, specifically his thumbs."

The manager's vile grin stretched abnormally, "You did your research. Well done," he said as a psychic construct in the shape of a fang appeared on his right thumb. Before Kuro could react, the manager's fang had pierced his own skin.

"Get back!" Kuro let go of the manager's now-swelling hand and pushed Uyama away from him. Leaving the manager behind in the coffee shop, they ran out together without looking back.

The manager's whole body began convulsing, and his voice reverberated, "I forget how strange it feels at first." His arms began morphing into small wings, his legs shortening and developing claws. Then his head turned into that of a bird. He flew wildly around the coffee shop until he ended up back at the lobby, where Uyama and Kuro were.

Kuro glanced at the bird flapping around and turned to the entrance, "We have to get out."

"It's too late for that." A new voice rang out in the vast, empty lobby. Uyama turned back to see who it was, standing in the middle.

"This is quite the coincidence, Uyama. For such a basic, ordinary man..." Steele chuckled and took off the gloves on his hands, dropping them to the floor. Uyama's face began sweltering and his teeth clenched. Steele's eyes glared at him and his voice was like a threat to his very soul.

"...this is a fitting grave."

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